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Data Management Plan & Metadata

To promote open access to publicly funded research data, many funding agencies have made a data management plan mandatory and required it to be part of the project proposal.

In the funder requirement document, it normally includes metadata related sections and questions. Funder requirements for NSF, GBMF, IMLS, NEH, NIH and NOAA can be found at

For data documentation in general, this guide includes information on data documentation.

For researchers, there are common metadata standards and domain metadata standards to consider before you start to document and manage your data. At the same time, there are some general fields across all domains you may consider so that you will be able to back up your data in an institutional data repository and most digital repositories. Please see page on Basic Metadata Fields.

Regardless of whether research is funded by a public agency or not, data curation covers a range of important data management activities to ensure your data is preserved and available for future research. Please see Data Curation page for more information.

For a complete overview about creating data management plan at the University of Central Florida, please refer to UCF Libraries Data Management Guide.

For scholarly communication related library services, please go to the library's Scholarly Communication site.

Data Management Tools & Service Resources

Data Management Plan Tool (DMPTool)

The DMPTool allows you to create Data Management Plans for specific funding agencies, meet funder requirements, get step-by-step instructions and guidance for your data management plan as you build it and get data management advice and resources for your specific institution.

Data Management Services

EZIDIt creates and manages identifiers (ARKs, DOIs) for texts, data, bones, terms and stores citation metadata for identifiers.

DataCiteA global citations framework for data with member institutions offering services and advice to researchers.

DataONE: A data network for life and environmental sciences.

WAS (Web Archiving Services): A tool to capture, analyze and archive web sites and documents. Researchers can use WAS to create data sets of web content for study, or to preserve websites resulting from grant work or research activity.

Read More: Data Documentation & Metadata

Please also refer to Data documentation & metadata and Data Documentation, Analysis & Statistical Software for more information on dataset metadata and its related services at UCF Libraries.