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Uncle Sam Doesn't Live Here Anymore...: FDsys exercise

Resources for a NEFLIN workshop on February 16, 2012

Congressional Bills

What is the earliest year for which Congressional bills are available in FDsys?

Congressional Bills
1789: 1 votes (10%)
1833: 0 votes (0%)
1973: 0 votes (0%)
1983: 0 votes (0%)
1993: 9 votes (90%)
1996: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 10

Congressional Committees

How many select, special & other committees of Congress have browsing sections available on FDsys?

Congressional Committees
2-3: 0 votes (0%)
4-5: 4 votes (40%)
6-7: 2 votes (20%)
8-9: 4 votes (40%)
Total Votes: 10


How many databases can you search at once?

Only one database at a time: 2 votes (20%)
Can search a single database, or ALL databases, but no middle ground: 0 votes (0%)
Pre-selected groups exist, but no customization available: 1 votes (10%)
Can choose specific databases to search together, but not all databases are available to select: 3 votes (30%)
Can fully customize the selection for all databases: 4 votes (40%)
Total Votes: 10