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Saved Search Alerts

You can save your search queries to a search history file that you can retrieve and open at a later date. You can also create alerts that will notify you when new records (matching the search criteria) are added to the database.

Note: It is not possible to create a search alert in All Databases. You can create search alerts only in the individual databases.

To create a saved search alert in Web of Science Core Collection, follow the steps below:

  1. Sign in to your Web of Science account or you can ignore this and sign in when prompted.
  2. Perform a search of your choice on the Web of Science Core Collection search page.
  3. Click the Search History option on the top right side of the page to setup a new alert.
  4. Click the Save History/Create Alert button at the top of the Search History page.
  5. On the Save Search History pop up, enter a name in the Search History Name field. Enter a description in the Description field. In order to receive an e-mail alert, please check the box “E-mail Alerts”. Provide an email address to which you would like to receive the alert.
  6. Click on “Save” to save and complete the alert setup.

For additional help from the Web of Science Core Collection help desk, follow this link:

Citation Alerts

Get notified by e-mail whenever a selected article is cited by a new article. The alert is active for one year, and you may renew the alert at any time. They will send you an e-mail approximately two weeks before the alert expires to remind you to renew the alert.

Note that you must be a registered user and you must sign in to Web of Science.

  1. Sign in to Web of Science.

  2. Run a search from the General Search or Advanced Search page to find records for which you want to create a Citation Alert.

  3. From the Results page, click on the title of the record in the results set to go to the Full Record page.

  4. On the right-hand side, click the Create Citation Alert button to go to the My Cited Articles List - Save Confirmation page.

  5. Click the OK button to create the citation alert for the current record and to return to the Full Record page.

  6. Click the My Citation Alerts link at the top of the window to go to the My Cited Articles List page to see the record of the article for which you created the citation alert.

For additional help from the Web of Science Core Collection help desk, follow this link:

Journal (Title Search for Table of Contents) Alerts

To set up such an alert in Web of Science Core Collection, please follow these instructions.

  • Access Web of Science Core Collection and sign in with your Personalization email and password. Note: if you have not yet done this, use the 'Register' link on the sign-in page to create this account for yourself.

User-added image

  • Enter the journal title in the Publication Name field.
Be sure to use the full title including words like OF, AND, etc.

Note: Keep in mind that titles using an ampersand instead of AND will not be retrieved if searched with AND. Special characters are ignored in a search so the ampersand can be entered in the title or just omitted.


Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology

Materials & design

Materials and structures

To be sure you have the full title correct, you can use the Lookup index (the magnifying glass icon by the Publication Name field) to look up the title and select it from the index to enter into the search box.

You can create a separate search and alert for each journal of interest, or combine several journals in the same search if you wish. Multiple titles can be added to the search box using the OR operator either keep adding titles in the same search box or do one at a time in search box and then OR the sets together at the end of the search (maximum of 20 sets for an alert).

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  • Save your search and then activate it as an alert.

From the Results page, go to the 'Search History' tab and then click on the 'Save History/Create Alert' button. You will be prompted to name the search and choose the desired type (bibliographic, with abstract, full record) and format (plain text, HTML, tagged). Before you save this, be sure to check the 'Send Me E-mail Alerts' box to activate the alert.

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User-added image

This alert email will not look exactly like the Table of Contents email you may be used to from Current Contents Connect, but it serves the same purpose of alerting you when a new issue is added to the database and displaying the articles. In addition, you will get the weekly alert email even when there are no results that week (meaning there is no issue for that journal in the current week update). The Table of Contents alert emails were only received when a new issue was added to Current Contents Connect.

Managing Your Alerts

You can manage your alerts from any Web of Science page by clicking the My Citation Alerts link.

From here, you can reset the one-year expiration period, turn alerts off (or delete the entirely), or change the email address the alert is sent to by selecting Modify Settings and making the appropriate changes.