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Science & Engineering -- Government Resources: Standards

Current information about standards

NOTE: Most standards are not freely available on the Internet.

Your best starting point to verify current information about a standard is:

NSSN: A National Resource for Global Standards contains over 300,000 references to standards from more than 600 developers worldwide. A user searches the NSSN and identifies a document of interest. If the document is available electronically the user will be seamlessly transferred to the shopping cart of the standards developer or designated information reseller. If a document is not available electronically then information is provided about how to obtain a hard-copy version of the text.

Other Research Guides

Standards (University of Colorado at Boulder)

European Standards (European Union)

Standards Available in the UCF Library

Industry Standards and Engineering Data provides numeric and subject indexing of the standards of: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, American National Standards Institute, American Society for Testing and Materials, and other organizations. Although less extensive than NSSN and no longer updated by the UCF Library, this print index may help identify many of the major standards. Full text of the standards is not included, except for some microfiche copies of some older issues of ASTM and NFPA standards, available on the 1st floor in Government Documents.
The 2002 edition is available at the UCF Library's Research Assistance Desk.

Other Resources for Standards