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CHM 2211L - Introduction to Organic Laboratory Techniques

Organic Chemistry Literature Assignments

Literature Assignment: Chromatography Lab

Journal of Chemical Education, 53 (June 1977): 376 [correct volume number is 54]

  1. What stationary phase was used in this article?
  2. What moble phase used was in this article? [mobile phase was used]
  3. How were the separated dyes analyzed?
  4. What dye was found in red maraschino cherries?
  5. What dye was found in artificial butter favor extract? [flavor extract]

Literature Assignment: Chromatography Lab

Journal of Chemical Education, 53 (June 1976): 722 [correct month is November 1976]

  1. What stationary phase was used in this article?
  2. What moble phase used was in this article? [mobile phase was used]
  3. What foods were analyzed for dyes in this article?
  4. Which food dye traveled the fastest up the staionary phase in this article?
  5. Which food dye traveled the slowest up the staionary phase in this article?

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Journal of Chemical Education -- available online via the UCF Libraries subscription to American Chemical Society Publications and in non-circulating bound paper copies on the 4th floor of the main library in the general collection at call number QD 1 .J93