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Library Research Assignments -- Tips for Specific Projects: HSA 3111

Dollars Spent on Health Care in the U.S. & Other Countries

What is the total dollar amount that we spend on Health Care in the U.S. per year? How much money do other countries spend?

NOTE: The "current" data for the U.S. is usually a couple of years behind the current year, e.g., the most recent data available in 2010 may cover 2007 or 2008. The data for other countries usually lags by an additional year or two.

Gross Domestic Product

Define gross domestic product (GDP).

Identify the total GDP dollars that the U.S. produced in ____ and ____. [Browse the tables in Statistical Abstract of the U.S. for "Income, Expenditures, Poverty & Wealth -- Gross Domestic Product (GDP)"

Identify the percentage of GDP that is spent in health care (using the current health care dollar amount from the previous part of the assignment). [to be calculated by the student]

Also identify 3 other major categories of GDP expenditures by both dollars and percentage. [See the Statistical Abstract of the U.S. information above.]

Compare to another country's expenditures on health.