The Community Resources Database

The NARIC Community Resources Database contains more than 3,000 resources ranging from organizations and agencies to periodicals and Web resources. Each listing includes contact information, an abstract, and highlights of the products and services offered.Learn more about the origins and field descriptions of the Community Resources Database.

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Not sure where to start? Try our Search Guidance page or browse our Disability Resources Pages of carefully selected, topically organized resources.

Should your organization, agency, or periodical be included in the NARIC Community Resources Database? Use our Information Request form to add your organization.

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The Disability Resources pages and the Community Resources Database offer a wide range of resources in a specific area. Generally, they may include:

  • Government-funded agencies, institutes, or centers.
  • Well-established, non-profit support organizations dedicated to a specific condition or community.
  • Professional organizations representing clinicians, practitioners, or service providers.
  • Accrediting organizations for facilities and providers.
  • Commercial publishers.
  • Health or disability-related news articles or reference tools from reputable publishers.
  • Self-help and self-advocacy organizations.
  • Faith communities which offer services to the public at large, not just members of their community.

These collections do not include for-profit companies, local providers, advertisers, or single articles from non-disability websites.

These collections include organizations that supply disability-related information, referral, and direct services on a nationwide basis. Therefore, regional and local resources are not included, unless they also provide national information and referral. The vast majority of organizations provide information and referral, rather than direct services. However, in many instances, national organizations provide both information and services at the national level as well as through their state or local chapters or affiliates. Private, for-profit companies are not included. 

Use our Information Request form to suggest a resources.

Resources listed in the Disability Resources and Community Resource Database are reviewed on a periodic basis. Community Resource Specialists review any public information available from an organization. If no website is found, we may contact the provider by phone to confirm that an organization is still active. Information submitted to NARIC may be edited for style, format, and content. Organizations that are no longer in operation may be removed as needed or the record updated to indicate they have ceased publication or operation. Inclusion in NARIC publications does not constitute an endorsement of the goods or services provided by an organization, nor does exclusion imply non-endorsement. Community Resource Specialists do not review or evaluate the quality of services or goods provided, but remain a neutral party while referring a patron to any resource. Patrons may receive referrals to accrediting, rating, or evaluation tools available to the public through reputable agencies and organizations. Complaints regarding a resource will be referred to appropriate local agencies.