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Masters Research Administration

Overview of scholarly resources available online from UCF Library

Print and Ebook searching

From the UCF Library homepage, the Catalog Search is the default search box.

Type: ethics and human research in the search box.

Leave the search type as Anywhere. Click Search.

On the left hand side of the results screen, find Subject: Topic, click on Show More and then on Moral and ethical aspects. Look on the right side of the screen and change the Sort By: From Relevance to PubDate (newest)

Find the title: For our children : the ethics of animal experimentation in the age of genetic engineering   with a publication date of 2010.  Click on the title.

1. Which library has the book? ___________________________

Click on the Google Preview. Scrolling down takes you to the author bios. If there is a review on the book, it may appear here. This can give you more background on the book.

2. What is the title of the series this book is a part of?

a. Value inquiry book series

b. Management of ethics series

c. Efforts in ethics series

To borrow this book, you use Interlibrary Loan to request it, and the book can be sent to you. Click back a page to the Result list of items.

There are two quick ways to locate an electronic book, the Library Catalog or an Ebook database. We are using the Library Catalog and this same search to view an Ebook.

Look under Narrow Results by: Subject: Genre and notice Electronic Books. There is also an option at the top of the left column, Library/Collection: Online. This retrieves electronic books and government publications. Scrolling down to the specific area of Electronic Books narrows the search to just Ebooks.

Click Electronic Books.

Find the 2010 title: Law in the laboratory: A guide to the ethics of federally funded science research, with the (E-book) E-book symbol. Click here for FULL TEXT from NetLibrary.

You will be directed to an EZProxy login screen.  Login with your 14-digit library ID number and password.

Click on eBook Full Text in the left column to open the book or scroll down to the Table of Contents (left column).

Click on the + (plus) sign in front of or on the book’s chapters to expand the sections.

3.     What is the title of Chapter 4?

a. Protecting human subjects: Bits, bytes & biopsies


b. Ethics on human subjects


c. Human subject interactions

Click on Chapter 4 to open it, view the contents page, and go to another page by typing the number in the Page box below the contents and click Go. You can also click on the arrow to page on.

Look under Tools in the right column, & click on the magnifying glass icon. Type “human subjects in the Search this ebook box (include the quotes to hold the words as a phrase) at the top of the page.

Click Search.


You receive a list of pages that contain the term “human subjects”.  Choose a page, click on it, and begin reading that section of the book.

Once you exit, this eBook is immediately available for the next person.