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Masters Research Administration

Overview of scholarly resources available online from UCF Library

ABI/Inform Complete

General Information:

ABI/Inform Complete is a business and management database produced by ProQuest Direct. It indexes and provides abstracts to articles contained in approximately 8000 publications. It covers topics on advertising, marketing, economics, human resources, taxation, engineering management, finance, health care, law and taxation, banking, real estate, and computers. It provides information, such as business conditions, trends, corporate strategies and tactics, management techniques, competitive, and product information. Coverage ranges from 1855 to present time.

Search Tips:

Available search screens are Basic, Advanced, and Publications. Article formats include abstract, full-text, text plus graphics, and page image Adobe Acrobat (PDF) files.

The asterisk (*) is the truncation symbol for multiple characters. It is used at the end of a word stem (e.g., manag* retrieves managing, managers, and management). The question mark (?) is used to represent a single character (e.g., cris?s retrieves crisis and crises and manag?? retrieves manager and manages but not management or managing).

Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT are supported. Boolean allows you to join words, use synonyms or exclude words to search more precisely.

Use double quotation marks to search for phrases. Search limits include Date Range, Source Type, and Scholarly Journals (which include Peer-Reviewed Articles). You can search across more than one ABI/Inform database at a time. More limits are listed under Search Options.

The Results Page provides suggested topics to search based on the original search you performed. Links to information on identified companies are provided under the Company/Organization limiter.

You can print and email results. Email options allow you to select the citation style and format (citation, summary, or full text).

For More Help:

Click on Search Tips or Help for additional information on ABI/Inform.