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Masters Research Administration

Overview of scholarly resources available online from UCF Library

Business Source Premier Practice Search

Access the database Business Source Premier.

Check in the box by Business Source Premier and click on Continue.

Find the Thesaurus link in the top blue bar and click on it.

In the Browsing box (not the Searching box) type conflict of interest and click Browse.

In the list, notice Conflict of Interest is at the top.  Click on it and read the Scope note that defines the term for this database. Click in the box in front of the term. Click ADD. Click Search. This makes our search term precise, and it organizes a more specific search.

Look in the left column, Refine your Results, and notice the different types of sources available in the database.

We want to narrow this search and focus on an aspect of Conflicts of Interest. One way is to add another term. Type IRB on the second line and leave the dropdown as Select a Field.

In the left column click in the Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals box and click Update. In the blue bar change the Relevance Sort to Date Descending (look in the narrow blue bar above results).

Click on the 2006 article titled Comparison of conflict of interest policies and reported practices in academic medical centers in the United States.

Before you read the article, look at the list of Subject Terms and note that Institutional Review Boards is written out. Sometimes this makes a difference in search results. Clicking on the link would take you to articles on those boards. Open the PDF full text.


1. On p. 338 of the PDF in the Discussion section, what was one of the most striking findings?

a. consistent agreement among officials

b. institutional policies did not seem to guide actual practice

c. determined policies and practice were consistent

Click on Detailed Record and return to the Citation/Abstract page..

In the upper right hand corner, click on the blue hyperlinked Univ of Central Florida Libraries. This keeps your proxy on for the next search and returns you to the Library home page.