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Overview of scholarly resources available online from UCF Library

PsycInfo Search

Access the database PsycInfo by logging in with your 14 digit library number and last 4 digits of your PID. Click on P in the A-Z list. Scroll down and click on PsycInfo.

You will actually be searching 3 databases – PsycInfo, PsycArticles, and PsycBooks. PsycArticles and PsycBooks are a subset of PsycInfo. To remove the limits that searching these 3 databases in this manner creates, try the following:

·         Advanced Search screen is the default.

·         Look at the fields available.

·         Click on the blue hyperlined Choose Databases right above the Advanced Search boxes & unclick PsycArticles and PsycBooks, click Continue.

·         You changed the databases to only PsycInfo - look at the fields again.

There is a Thesaurus in this database and it works in the same way as the Business Source Premier one does.

To focus on an aspect of research misconduct:

Type “research misconduct” in the first box (include the quotes to hold it as a phrase) and ethics in the second box. Leave the dropdown as Select a Field. If you were only searching for articles on research misconduct you might want to change the dropdown to Keyword or Abstract. If you don’t get many hits, change the dropdown to Select a Field. It will broaden your search.

Look in the left column, Refine your Results, and notice the different types of sources available in the database.

You can click in the Peer Reviewed box on the original search page or look in the left column and click in the Peer Reviewed Journals box and click Update. In the blue bar change the Relevance Sort to Date Descending (look in the narrow blue bar above results).

Click on the 2009 article titled Science journal editors’ views on publication ethics: Results of an international survey and read the abstract/citation page.

To open the full text of this article, click on the SFX button (gold oval to the left of article title). This opens a new screen Options for Getting the Full Text.

Under Full Text Sources: click on the Highwire hyperlink. It opens to the article abstract from this link. Find the PDF link and open the article.

1. On p. 352, last paragraph, of the PDF in the Discussion section, what was one of the key findings?

a. consistent agreement among officials

b. institutional policies did not seem to guide actual practice

c. editors do not know how often many types of publication misconduct occur

Close the additional pages/screens. Click on Results List and return to the list of articles page. If this article had not been available in Full Text, go to the Interlibrary Loan link on the main library page and place a request for it by filling out the online form. It will be emailed to you via your Interlibrary Loan account.

In the upper right hand corner, click on the blue hyperlinked Univ of Central Florida Libraries. This keeps your proxy on for the next search and returns you to the Library home page.