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Government Resources: About the Collections

About UCF's Government Documents Collections

Federal Documents: UCF became a member of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) in 1966. The selection percentage has increased over the years, with UCF currently receiving approximately 94% of Federal publications distributed through this program. Documents in every subject area are collected. The libraries' collections include many materials with information dating back to 1789 and earlier.
Florida Documents: The UCF Libraries receive all public documents distributed by the State Library of Florida through the Florida Public Documents Depository Program (FPDDP). Although the depository program didn't begin until 1968, the libraries' collections also include some materials with information dating back to statehood in 1845 and reprints of some territorial papers.
Patents and Trademarks: The UCF Libraries receive all materials distributed through the Patent & Trademark Depository Library Program (PTDLP). The UCF Patent & Trademark Library is open to the public and has the resources needed to do preliminary patent and trademark research. The libraries' extensive collection includes resources dating to 1790 for historical patent and trademark research.