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Food & Beverage Industry Research Guide

Print Books

Print books relating to the Food & Beverage Industry are generally found in the following call number ranges:

Food processing

TP368 - TP546

Fermentation, beverages, alcohol

TP500 - TP660

Nutrition, foods, food supply

TX341 - TX641

Cookery, cookbooks

TX642 - TX840

Dining service

TX851 - TX885

Dining service

TX901 - TX947

Hospitality, hotels, food service, restaurants

TX901 - TX947

Restaurant accounting/finance

TX911.3 .F5

Restaurant marketing/advertising

TX911.3 .M3

Menu pricing, food purchasing

TX911.3 .P7-P8

Bars, bartending, alcohol service

TX950 - TX953



Reference Sources

It is often a good idea to begin your research in the following types of references sources, which are designed to be consulted for topic overview or for authoritative information. In many cases, they contain vital information that cannot be found anywhere else.

General Food & Beverage

Call Number

A-Z of Food and Drink

Rosen REF TX349 .A86 2002

Demographics of Consumer Food Spending

Rosen REF HD9004 .D35

Dictionary of Drink

Rosen REF TX815. E393 2007

Encyclopedia of American Food and Drink

Rosen REF TX 349 .M266 1999

Encyclopedia of Food and Culture

Rosen REF GT2850 .E53 2003

Encyclopedia of Junk Food and Fast Food

Rosen REF TX370. S63 2006

International Dictionary of Gastronomy

Rosen REF TX349 .G595 2003

Larousse Gastronomique

Rosen REF TX349 .L365 2009

Larousse Gastronomique Recipe Collections

Rosen REF TX [varies]

Menus from History

Rosen REF TX645 .C534 2009

Oxford Companion to Food

Rosen REF TX349 .D36 2006

Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America

Rosen REF TX349 .E45 2004


Call Number

Chef's Book of Formulas, Yields, and Sizes

Rosen REF TX820 .S355 2003

Food Values of Portions Commonly Used

Rosen REF TX551 .P385 2010

Plunkett's Food Industry Almanac

Rosen REF HD9003 .P58

Quickservice Restaurant Trends

Rosen REF TX945 .Q52

Restaurant & Foodservice Market Research Handbook

Rosen REF TX901 .R47

Restaurant Industry Forecast

Rosen REF TX943 .N38 2004

Restaurant Industry Operations Report

Rosen REF TX909.A1 R47

State of the Restaurant Industry 2021

Rosen  REF TX943.N38 2021

Tableservice Restaurant Trends

Rosen REF TX909 .A1 T32

Who's Buying at Restaurants and Carry-Outs

Rosen REF TX945 .W48