UCF Libraries are committed to ensuring that their services, resources and programs are accessible to all patrons. To learn more about the services available at each campus' library, visit the Library's Accessibility Services page. For more information concerning UCF Connect campuses, consult your campus' SAS Contact or regional librarian.
Individuals with disabilities who need more assistance may inquire with UCF Student Accessibility Services, Ferrell Commons, Bldg. 7F, Room 185, (phone 407-823-2371, TTY/TDD only 407-823-2116
). For accommodated testing purposes only, their computers have the following software: Dragon Naturally Speaking (Speech to Text), JAWS (Screen Reader), MAGic (Screen Magnifciation Software), Natural Reader (Text to Speech) and Read & Write Literacy Software.
For more detailed information see the UCF Student Accessibility Services Web site.