Indexing and full text of articles for an array of scholarly and popular topics. Includes coverage of over 200 anthropology, archaeology, and related subject area journals.
As a compilation of the Royal Anthropological Institute’s Anthropological Index and Harvard University's Anthropological Literature databases, Anthropology Plus is the world’s most comprehensive index covering the fields of anthropology, archaeology, and related interdisciplinary research. This database offers worldwide indexing of journals from the early 19th century to today, providing extensive indexing of journal articles, reports, and commentaries.
- a digital searchable database containing the past, present and future AAA publications,
- more than 250,000 articles from AAA journals, newsletters, bulletins and monographs in a single place, and
- cross-disciplinary resources for all things anthropological
Hospitality & Tourism Complete covers scholarly research and industry news relating to all areas of hospitality and tourism. This collection contains more than 828,000 records, with coverage dating as far back as 1965. There is full text for more than 490 publications, including periodicals, company & country reports, and books.