Contains descriptive information and critical reviews of commercially published tests. The database includes all information published after the 10th edition (1989) of the Mental Measurements Yearbook.
HaPI identifies tests and measures that have been discussed in journal articles and other sources. In some cases, the test itself is included in the journal article. In other cases, only sample questions are included.
Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HaPI) provides information about behavioral measurement tools used across diverse professions and disciplines, including medicine, nursing, public health, psychology, social work, sociology, communication, and organizational behavior. HaPI helps researchers, students, and clinicians locate questionnaires, interviews, and other tests relevant to their investigations, theses, dissertations, and grant proposals and helps researchers to enhance the quality, reliability, and validity of their measurement techniques.
To locate a test, type keywords related to your topic. In the second search box, type the word "appended" and select "TM Tests and measures" from the menu. To locate articles that evaluate the validity or reliability of a test, enter the name of the test in quotation marks in the first search box and then type the keywords "validity and reliability" in the second search box.
"contains approximately 5 million citations and summaries dating as far back as the 1600s with DOIs for over 1.4 million records. Ninety-eight percent of the covered material is peer-reviewed. The database also includes information about the psychological aspects of related fields such as medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, technology, linguistics, anthropology, business, law and others. Journal coverage, which spans from the1800s to present, includes international material selected from around 2,400 periodicals in dozens of languages."
Psychological Abstracts:
* 1927-1947 Microfilm BF1.P65
* 1948-2004 print in remote storage
To locate a test, type keywords related to your topic and choose "IN Instrumentation" from the menu. Or type keywords related to your topic, then type "questionnaire/scale" and choose "PT Publication Type" from the menu
Type keywords related to your topic, then type "tests/questionnaires" and choose "PU Publication Type" from the menu.
ERIC is available from several database vendors, including ProQuest. UCF students are advised to use ERIC in EBSCOhost, which provides many links to full text and allows users to search multiple education databases simultaneously. Users who are not UCF students are advised to use ERIC from DOE because no login is required.
Tests in Print
Communication Research Measures by Rebecca B. Rubin (Editor); Philip Palmgreen (Editor); Howard E. Sypher (Editor)An essential sourcebook, this volume provides complete reviews of currently useful communication scales, indexes, and other measures in four important communication contexts: interpersonal, mass, organizational, and instructional. It presents the scales in their entirety, instructions for administration and scoring, and information in validity and reliability. For hands-on practicality, the measures are ordered alphabetically by title.
Compiled by the Ad Hoc Committee on the Test Collection Directory, Education and Behavioral Sciences Section, Association of College and Research Libraries.
These volumes supplement the Mental Measurements Yearbook
Essentials of Psychological Assessment Series
Call Number: various & online
Note: Search for "Essentials of Psychological Assessment Series" in our online catalog.
Books in this series focus on one particular test, or a kind of test. They focus on how to administer, score, and interpret the test in question. Search the catalog using the Series Title search.
Handbook of Family Measurement Techniques by John TouliatosVolume 1 includes abstracts of 976 family measurement instruments cited in the published literature 1929-1986. Abstracts in Volume 1 and 2 are preceded by overviews, written by authorities in family studies that organize and review the instruments in each chapter.
Call Number: Reference HQ728.H267 2001
ISBN: 9780803972490
Publication Date: 1989-12-01
Handbook of Psychiatric Measures by Michael B. First (Editor); Deborah Blacker (Editor); A. John Rush (Editor)Comprising a wide range of methods available for assessing persons with mental health problems, the Handbook contains more than 275 rating methods, from the Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale to the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale. In this fully revised edition, more than 40 measures have been added both to the book and to the accompanying CD-ROM.
Call Number: Reference RC473.P78A46 2008
ISBN: 9781585622184
Publication Date: 2007-12-07
Handbook of Research Design and Social Measurement by Delbert C. Miller (Editor); Neil J. Salkind (Editor)The book considered a "necessity" by many social science researchers and their students has been revised and updated while retaining the features that made it so useful. The emphasis in this new edition is on the tools with which graduate students and more advanced researchers need to become familiar as well as be able to use in order to conduct high quality research.
Call Number: Reference H62.M44 2002
ISBN: 9780761920465
Publication Date: 2002-01-16
Handbook of Tests and Measurements for Black Populations by Reginald L. Jones (Editor)This is a collection of more than 100 psychological tests and measures developed for use with African Americans. Volume one focuses on children, adolescents, and family, and volume two presents measures appropriate for late adolescents, young adults, and older age groups. The tests are in various stages of development, but information regarding rationale for the measure and reliability and validity data are provided. Except as otherwise noted, most of the authors have granted non-commercial use of the tests and measures for research, service, or instructional purposes.
Measuring Health by Ian McDowellMeasuring Health provides in-depth reviews of over 100 of the leading health measurement tools and serves as a guide for choosing among them.
Designed as a companion to Tests (BF176.T43). Test Critiques includes supplemental information such as psychometric information on reliability, validity, and norm development.
Contains information on thousands of testing instruments in psychology, education, and business. For evaluative techniques or data on reliability, validity, or norms, please refer to Test Critiques (see below).
Covers published and commercially available tests in psychology. Each entry consists of the test title, intended population, publication date, author, publisher, foreign adaptations, and references.
Information about testing and assessment from the American Psychological Association. There is a section on Finding Information About Psychological Tests that addresses the most frequently asked questions about locating psychological tests.
Developed and managed by Mapi Research Trust, PROQOLID aims to identify and describe Clinical Outcome Assessments (COAs) to help you choose appropriate instruments and facilitate your access to them.
A collection of instruments from Charles S. Carver of the University of Miami Psychology Department. These scales are available for use in research and teaching applications. All are available without charge and without any need for permission.
This site, from the Department of Psychology at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, contains a number of instruments relating to attachment.
Includes reviews, descriptions, test properties, etc., for rating scales and questionnaires that cover topics such as physical disability, pain, psychological well-being, and quality of life.