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OER resources for the Hospitality and Tourism Industries

OER Resources Introduction

Open Education Resources


OER are teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others. ~ William & Flora Hewlett Foundation


For OER resources related to topics other than Hospitality Industry see the research guide Open Educational Resources (OER) 

Open Educational Resources in Hospitality Management

OER Repositories: 

OER Commons - filtered for Hospitality Industry

Open Textbook Library - filtered for Hospitality Management

Merlot - filtered for Hospitality Management

Oasis  - filtered for Hospitality Industry

CTE Online - filtered for Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation (you will need to create a free instructor account to access these materials)

OpenStax - These books were developed following traditional textbook publishing methods, including peer review, editorial support, and creation of ancillary content. Books are available in multiple formats (PDF, print on demand, on the Web) and are licensed to be revised and remixed by faculty who want to create a custom solution for a course.

Pressbooks Directory - filtered for Hospitality, Tourism, and related subjects. 

UCF Pressbooks - UCF has partnered with Pressbooks to provide faculty and students an authoring tool with which they can publish portable, interactive web content for a variety of use cases

Open business cases - a research guide from Boston University Libraries linking out to websites with free business cases.