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Sociology - Social Inequalities

PhD Qualifying Exam Study Guides in Sociology

Core/Essential Readings

Core/Essential Readings – Students should read/be very familiar with each of the following:

Additional Readings

Additional Readings – Students should be familiar with some of the following works as well as course readings and additional materials as they apply to the students’ methodological expertise.  

Sample Questions

Select one of the journal articles listed below and explain each of the following in sentence format using your own words. Note that you may need to research beyond just the article to find some of the information, especially about the sample and data collection procedures: Research question(s); hypotheses; independent variable(s); dependent variable(s); data source; data sample; population; sample inclusion/exclusion criteria; data collection procedures; sample demographics; statistical tests; significant findings; non-significant findings. Include an interpretation of all tables and figures and an explanation of all findings. Conclude with discussion of strengths and limitations of the methodological approach.