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PHH 3701 - Native American Philosophy

Style Manuals

MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 9th ed.
Main Library Ready Reference LB 2369 .G53 2021
"...Provides an authoritative account of MLA [Modern Language Association] documentation style for use in student writing, including simplified guidelines for citing works published on the Web and new recommendations for citing several kinds of works, such as digital files and graphic narratives" (publisher's description).
Published by the Writing Center at Harvard, provides helpful chapters on purpose, audience, argumentation, narrative, and style.
The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University hosts a website that provides sample citations for APA, MLA, and Chicago styles.

Citation Management Tools

Citation management programs help researchers:

> Collect citations from online sources, including library catalogs and electronic databases;

> Organize references by subject, project, author, or other schemes; and 

> Create bibliographies formatted according to MLA, APA, Chicago, Turabian, or other widely used citation styles.

The UCF Libraries make available free of charge to current students, faculty, and staff one of the most commonly used citation management programs, EndNote.

There are also several free, open-source citation management programs, chief among them Zotero and Mendeley.