With access to ebooks from over 200 databases, there are a wealth of options available to help you find the information you need when you need it most.
There are two ways to access ebooks in our collections: through the UCF Libraries catalog or by going to the specific database that contains the book you need.
A complete list of databases that include ebooks can be found at: https://guides.ucf.edu/az.php?t=2245
You can limit your search in our catalog to online resources.
From the library's homepage:
Finding eBooks from UCF Libraries on Vimeo.
All of the ebooks available through UCF libraries can be read on a PC or Mac.
Many of our eBooks can be downloaded and read on your computer or device. Some vendors will require you to use Adobe Digital Editions to download books. You will need an Adobe ID and Adobe Digital Editions or another App such as BlueFire Reader to access these books.
In most cases that will get the content onto your Kindle or other reader. For some eBooks you will have the content for a limited time. Some eBooks only allow one person to use the book at a time.
There are several different options vendors can choose from when it comes to how library users can access ebooks. If you are having problems accessing an ebook it may be for one of the following reasons:
Still no luck? Ask a librarian!
Description of common error messages when using Adobe Digital Editions and how to fix them from ProQuest Ebooks.