AfricaBib The 6 bibliographic databases of AfricaBib:
- Africana Periodical Literature -- African Women -- Women Travelers to Africa -- Islam in Africa -- Kenya Coast -- Water and Africa
"The Africana Periodical Literature database provides metadata of articles on Africa covering a wide range of topics, from geography, history and anthropology to agriculture, women’s studies, medicine and health. It currently (October 2016) contains more than 177,000 records from over 800 journals. The majority of the journals are in English or French. A smaller number is in German, Afrikaans, Dutch, Italian and Portuguese. There is a strong focus on journals published in Africa."
African Women -- "In February 2008 this English-language database contained over 35,000 citations from 1986 onward. The database indexes six types of materials: books and government documents; articles appearing in edited books; periodical and journal articles; Masters theses and Ph.D. dissertations as well as a few B.A. theses and honors papers; conference papers; and videocassettes. "