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NUR3165_D Harper: Practice 1

Practice Exercises 1

Exercise A:

From the UCF Library homepage (, click on Books/Catalog.

Find the title: “A cross section of nursing research: journal articles for discussion and evaluation”

What is the call number for the book?

a. PE1128.A2.C6933 2005

b. RT81.5 .C76 2005

c. RT81.5.G53 2005

Exercise B:

Do a search to determine if the library owns the book, “Nursing theories and nursing practice” edited by Marilyn E. Parker.

What is the call number for this book?

a. RT 85.6.P4345 2006

b. RT84.5 .N8793 2006

c. RT82.1.P7662 2006

(Notice that we also have an ONLINE version of this book. It’s listed separately. To access the online version you will need to enter your activated 14-digit library number before going into the Books/Catalog link.)

Exercise C:

  1. Click on Advanced Search.
  2. You will be looking for any books by Jean Watson on her theory of human caring.
  3. In the Advanced Keyword section, use the first pull-down menu to select Author Keyword(s), and type Watson in the search box directly across from Author Keyword(s).
  4. Keep the second pull-down menu as Keyword(s) Anywhere, and type human caring in the search box.
  5. Click on GO.

Which of these book titles is also available at the Cocoa Campus library?

a. Caring Science as Sacred Science

b. Holistic Nursing A Handbook for Practice

c. Applying the Art and Science of Human Caring