U.S. Overseas Loans and Grants (U.S. Agency for International Development) -- The "Greenbook" shows a complete historical record of United States' foreign aid to the rest of the world by reporting all loans and grants authorized by the U.S. Government for each fiscal year from 1945 to the present.
"The end of a long occupation by U.S. marines came to Nicaragua in 1933, but in 1937 began the presidential entrenchment of the head of the Guardia Nacional, Anastasio Somoza, who would last until his assassination in 1956. Why and in what ways Somoza benefited from official U.S. backing is well documented in this collection."
"Latin America, 1845-1914 illuminates the internal and international affairs of Latin American countries from the mid-19th century to the onset of the First World War. Topics covered include the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty; the treatment of British subjects in Argentina; the Mosquito claims (Nicaragua); the Spanish-Peruvian War; the Peru-Chile "War of the Pacific"; U.S. designs on the Bay of Samana; the neutralization of the Straits of Magellan; attempted revolution in Haiti; railway concessions in Brazil; revolution in Colombia; Honduran external debt; revolution in Chile; claims arising from the Venezuelan revolution; the Panama Canal question; the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty; British arbitration in the Brazil-Bolivia-Paraguay boundary dispute; revolution in Panama; the Mexican agrarian situation; Anglo-Cuban commercial treaty; military report on Cuba; annual reports on the affairs of the Latin American republics; and the Platt Amendment."
"Latin America, 1914-1939 covers domestic and foreign affairs in Mexico, Central America, and Latin America for the years between the First and Second World Wars. Subjects include Latin America and World War I; Pan-American Conferences; Argentina and the Falkland Islands; U.S. relations with Latin American republics; crisis in church-state relations in Mexico; the Chaco War; the League of Nations and Latin American disputes; constitutional crisis in Cuba; the Montevideo Conference; the growth of the Brazilian Communist movement and attempted revolution in Brazil; quarterly reports on the economies of the Latin American republics; growth of German influence in Latin America; the Mexican political crisis; the rise of Anastasio Somoza; U.S.-Panamanian Canal Treaty; Nicaraguan-Honduran boundary dispute; Mexican oil concessions; and reports on leading Latin American personalities."
"The documents in Part III cover political, economic, and military affairs; present historical surveys; and record information on heads of missions and other key personalities in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, El Salvador, Uruguay, and Venezuela."
"Information from South America focuses on Argentina, Brazil, and Peru, although all South and Central American countries are covered. Revolutions and social policies and situations are monitored in detail. Government budgets or budget proposals are reported on for Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, and other countries. Researchers will be interested in observations on Britain's two noteworthy trouble spots in Latin America-the Falkland Islands question and its effect on Anglo- Argentinian relations, and the Hunduras question and its effect on Anglo-Guatemalan relations."