- Executive order number;
- Date of signing by the President
- Federal Register volume, page number, and issue date
- Title
- Amendments (if any)
- Current status (where applicable)
- Full text available, 1993+
- Public Papers of the Presidents, 1929+
- The Messages & Papers of the Presidents, 1789-1913
- State of the Union Addresses, 1789+
- Inaugural Addresses, 1789+
- Saturday Radio Addresses, 1982+
- Franklin D. Roosevelt's Fireside Chats, 1933-1944
- Presidential News Conferences, 1929+
- Executive Orders, 1826+
- Presidential Proclamations, 1789+
- Presidential Signing Statements, 1929+
- Press Briefings (Office of the Press Secretary), 1993+
- Statements of Administration Policy, 1997+
- Presidential Debates, 1960+
- Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speeches, 1880+
- Political Party Platforms, 1840+
- Relations with Congress (Requests for Legislation, Concurrence, Vetoes, etc.)
- Popularity
- Public Appearances (Major Speeches, News Conferences, Public & Political Appearances, Level of Public Activity)
- Growth of the Executive Branch (Federal Budget, Differences in Appropriations Proposed by President & Passed by Congress, Executive Orders, White House Staff Budget)
- Presidential Selection (Election Results, Voter Turnout, etc.)