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Browse Call Numbers: PT-PZ

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PT 2600-2653 - 1860/1870-1960

The first letter of the surname is assigned a call number and the author number is determined starting with the second letter of the name, except with PT2616 and PT2638.

This is not a comprehensive list of the authors contained in the UCF Library. Browse for additional authors by selecting the link for an author whose surname precedes that of the author you're seeking. Keep in mind that some authors best known by their pen names are listed under their real names.

Call Number Subject
PT 2601 A
PT 2603 B
- PT 2603.A147 - Bachmann, Ingeborg, 1926-1973
- PT 2603.E455 - Benjamin, Walter, 1892-1940
- PT 2603.O394 - Böll, Heinrich, 1917-1985
- PT 2603.R397 - Brecht, Bertolt, 1898-1956
- PT 2603.R657 - Broch, Hermann, 1886-1951
PT 2605 C
- PT 2605.A58 - Canetti, Elias, 1905-1994
- PT 2605.E4 - Celan, Paul, 1920-1970
PT 2607 D
- PT 2607.I6 - Ditzen, Rudolf Wilhelm Friedrich (Hans Fallada), 1893-1947
- PT 2607.O35 - Döblin, Alfred, 1878-1957
- PT 2607.U493 - Dürrenmatt, Friedrich, 1921-1990
PT 2609 E
- PT 2609.N9 - Enzensberger, Hans Magnus, 1929-
PT 2611 F
- PT 2611.R814 - Frisch, Max, 1911-1991
PT 2613 G
- PT 2613.R338 - Grass, Günter, 1927-2015
PT 2615 H-Hauptmann
PT 2616 Hauptmann, Gerhart Johann Robert, 1862-1946
- PT 2616.A3-.Z29 - Separate works
- PT 2616.Z3-.Z39 - Translations. English
- PT 2616.Z9 - Biography & criticism
PT 2617 Hauptmann-Hz
- PT 2617.E85 - Hesse, Hermann, 1877-1962
- PT 2617.O47 - Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, 1874-1929
PT 2619 J
PT 2621 K
- PT 2621.A26 - Kafka, Franz, 1883-1924
PT 2623 L
- PT 2623.E583 - Lenz, Siegfried, 1926-2014
PT 2625 M
- PT 2625.A43 - Mann, Heinrich, 1871-1950
- PT 2625.A44 - Mann, Thomas, 1875-1955
- PT 2625.A95 - Mayröcker, Friederike, 1924-
- PT 2625.U8 - Musil, Robert, 1880-1942
PT 2627 N
PT 2631 P
PT 2635 R
- PT 2635.E68 - Remarque, Erich Maria, 1898-1970
- PT 2635.I65 - Rilke, Rainer Maria, 1875-1926
- PT 2635.O84 - Roth, Joseph, 1894-1939
PT 2637 S-Scg
PT 2638 Sch
- PT 2638.N5 - Schnitzler, Arthur, 1862-1931
PT 2639 Se-Su
PT 2640 Sudermann, Hermann, 1857-1928
PT 2642 T
- PT 2642.O65 - Toller, Ernst, 1893-1939
PT 2643 U
PT 2645 V
PT 2647 W
- PT 2647.A64 - Walser, Robert, 1878-1956
- PT 2647.E26 - Wedekind, Frank, 1864-1918
PT 2653 Z
- PT 2653.W42 - Zweig, Stefan, 1881-1942