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Legislative Histories: 06 - List of reports by bill number

Step-by-Step Research about a Federal Law

Begin Step-by-Step Research -- Research Tips

  1. Identify the Public Law number
  2. Locate and read overviews of the bill's history
    - Congressional Quarterly Almanac
    - U.S. Code Congressional & Administrative News
  3. Retrieve a compiled legislative history list of bills, hearings, reports, debate, etc.
    - CIS Index: Legislative Histories
  4. Retrieve the Bill Tracking Report
    - ProQuest Congressional
  5. Retrieve the brief "Guide to Legislative History" list of bills, reports and debate
    - U.S. Statutes at Large
  6. Retrieve the list of reports and documents by bill number(s)
    - CIS U.S. Serial Set Index, Part XIII, Index by Reported Bill Numbers, 1817-1969
  7. Retrieve the list of reports, documents, and hearings by subject
    - ProQuest Congressional, Historical Indexes, 1789-1969
    - CIS U.S. Congressional Committee Hearings Index, 1833-1969
  8. Retrieve articles from journals & newspapers
  9. Search for information from organizations concerned with the issue
    - Gale Directory Library
  10. Check other resources for information
    - Thomas
    - GPO Access
    - Other sites

Retrieve the list of reports and documents by bill number(s)

CIS U.S. Serial Set Index, Part XIII, Index by Reported Bill Numbers, 1817-1969

This print index is located in the UCF Library on the first floor at U.S. Documents Reference Z 1223.Z9 C65 1975. Follow the instructions to proceed from the library entrance to the East stairs and down to the first floor. From the stairwell turn left at the first corner and the books will be just around the corner against the wall.

The index identifies the committee reports and documents associated with a specific bill, arranged by Congressional session and bill number.

The UCF Library has the full text of these reports available on microfiche.

Similar index access by bill number is available online in ProQuest Congressional, but you will still need to use the microfiche for access to the full text.