NOTE: Any information provided here should not be considered legal advice.
Fair Use & Emergency Remote Teaching & Research: "While legal obligations do not automatically dissolve in the face of a public health crisis, U.S. copyright law is, thankfully, well equipped to provide the flexibility necessary for the vast majority of remote learning needed at this time.... For copies made to support rapid adoption of remote teaching, users should be thoughtful about this factor [amount & substantiality], but not agonize over it: a use can be fair as long as it reproduces what is reasonable to serve the purpose.... Campuses should restrict access to course materials only to students, instructors, or teaching assistants enrolled in the course. Further, they should provide content only for the period of time needed, and excerpt materials when pedagogically appropriate."
excerpts from "Public Statement of Library Copyright Specialists"
Faculty and staff with specific questions about copyright law should contact the UCF Office of the General Counsel.