Call Number: UCF ONLINE General Collection -- LB1044.75.C67 2020
NOTE: Online access is limited to 3 simultaneous users.
Beginning by outlining the different types of videos you can create, and what the research says about their effectiveness, Karen Costa explains how they can be designed to reinforce learning, to align with and promote course outcomes, and to save you time across your courses. She then describes how to create successful videos with commonly available technologies such as your smartphone, and without a major investment of time, demonstrating the simple steps she took to develop her bank of videos and build her confidence to deliver short, straightforward learning aids that are effective and personal. Embedded QR codes in the text enable you to view sample videos and screencasts that bring the book's advice to life as you read. If you've been wanting to include videos in your teaching but haven't found the time or confidence, this book will help you to develop a simple and sustainable video development process, supporting both your success and the success of your students.
Call Number: UCF ONLINE General Collection -- PE1128.A2.G682 2012
This book is an adaptation of Gregory's bestselling book Differentiated Literacy Strategies for Student Growth and Achievement in Grades 7-12, revised to address the specific needs of English Language Learners. This is a ''versatile handbook for middle school and high school educators who need ''to differentiate literacy instruction for adolescent and teen ELL ''students at different stages of development along the literacy ''continuum. Covering the relevant brain research and specific ''instructional and assessment strategies for teens, this book pays ''special attention to hooks that appeal to older learners with varying ''degrees of skills and competencies. Written for classroom teachers, ''reading specialists, curriculum developers, and instructional leaders, ''this one-stop source provides an expert guide to working with all of ''today's adolescent and teen English Language Learners.
Call Number: UCF ONLINE General Collection -- LB1031.D683 2018
In this comprehensive resource for elementary school teachers, Kristina J. Doubet and Jessica A. Hockett explore how to use differentiated instruction to help students be more successful learners--regardless of background, native language, learning preference, or motivation. They explain how to -- Create a healthy classroom community in which students' unique qualities and needs are as important as the ones they have in common -- Translate curriculum into manageable and meaningful learning goals that are fit to be differentiated -- Use pre-assessment and formative assessment to uncover students' learning needs, tailor tasks accordingly, and ensure that students are "getting it." -- Provide interactive learning experiences that encourage students to engage with both the content and one another -- Present students with avenues to take in, process, and produce knowledge that appeal to their varied interests and learning preferences -- Navigate potential roadblocks to differentiation. Each chapter provides a plethora of practical tools, templates, and strategies for a variety of subject areas developed by and for real teachers.
Call Number: UCF Main Library General Collection LB1031 .T46 2020
check availability of print edition
Evaluation of Principles and Best Practices in Personalized Learning is a critical scholarly publication that explores the modern push for schools to implement PL environments and the continuing research to understand the best strategies and implementation methods for personalizing education. It seeks to begin creating a standardized language and standardized approach to the PL initiative and to investigate the implications it has on the educational system. Additionally, this book adds to the professional discussion of PL by looking at both the advantages and disadvantages of PL, the teacher's role in PL, creating a PL program to scale, the role of technology and PL, the special education population and PL, emerging research on PL, and case studies involving PL. Featuring research on a wide range of topics such as blended learning, preservice teachers, and special education, this book is ideal for teachers, administrators, academicians, policymakers, researchers, and students.
Call Number: UCF ONLINE General Collection -- LB3060.3 2018
The Second Edition of this handbook provides comprehensive coverage of the concept of accessibility and its application to the design and implementation of instruction and tests with all students. It updates and expands on its original contents and responds to the increasing demand for research-based evidence of accessible instruction and testing practices from the professional community. Chapters explore how outcomes are affected when essential features or components of instructional materials and tests are not accessible to any portion of the student population.
Call Number: UCF ONLINE General Collection -- LB1576.H2333 2013
This highly readable handbook synthesizes the best research on K-8 literacy instruction and distills key implications for classroom practice. Noted contributors provide clear recommendations for creating effective, motivating classroom environments; teaching core components of literacy; integrating literacy with content-area instruction; and building a schoolwide literacy program that helps all students succeed. Helpful figures, tables, resource lists, reflection questions, and concrete examples from real classrooms make the book an ideal tool for teacher training and professional development.
Handbook of Research-Based Practice in Early Education
Call Number: UCF Main Library General Collection -- LB1139.23 .H36 2014
ch3ck availability
"Written expressly for early childhood educators, and those who support their professional development, this handbook distills essential knowledge about how to help all PreK-3 learners succeed. Leading experts describe doable ways to create effective learning environments and implement instructional practices with a strong evidence base. Engaging vignettes illustrate discussions of such topics as differentiated instruction, response to intervention, the Common Core standards, social and emotional learning, assessment, and teaching across the curriculum. Each chapter links cutting-edge research to practical applications, examples, and professional development activities."
Call Number: UCF ONLINE General Collection -- LB1028.38.H36 2020
"The Handbook of Research on Applying Universal Design for Learning Across Disciplines: Concepts, Case Studies, and Practical Implementation offers practical examples of UDL having successfully been embedded in courses within various disciplines and classroom formats, as well as across the undergraduate and graduate sectors. The chapters provide case studies and concrete examples of what the UDL reflection on practice might look like in specific faculties and departments."
Call Number: UCF ONLINE General Collection -- LC5800.H3645 2017
"The Handbook of Research on Humanizing the Distance Learning Experience features empirical research on promoting the personalization of online learning courses through presence, emotionality, and interactivity within digital classrooms. Highlighting best practices and evaluating student perceptions on distance learning, this handbook will appeal to researchers, educators, course designers, professionals, and administrators."
Call Number: UCF ONLINE General Collection -- LB2395.7.H36 2017
The Handbook of Research on Innovative Pedagogies and Technologies for Online Learning in Higher Education is an authoritative reference source for the latest scholarly research on the implementation of instructional strategies, tools, and innovations in online learning environments. Featuring extensive coverage across a range of relevant perspectives and topics, such as social constructivism, collaborative learning and projects, and virtual worlds, this publication is ideally designed for academicians, practitioners, and researchers seeking current research on best methods to effectively incorporate technology into the learning environment.
Call Number: UCF ONLINE General Collection -- LB1028.5.H36 2021
"The Handbook of Research on K-12 Blended and Virtual Learning Through the i²Flex Classroom Model focuses not only on how to design, deliver, and evaluate courses, but also on how to assess teacher performance in a blended i2Flex way at the K-12 level. The book will discuss the implementation of the i²Flex (isquareFlex), a non-traditional learning methodology, which integrates internet-based delivery of content and instruction with faculty-guided, student-independent learning in combination with face-to-face classroom instruction aiming at developing higher order cognitive skills within a flexible learning design framework. While highlighting new methods for improving the classroom and learning experience in addition to preparing students for higher education and careers, this publication is an essential reference source..."
Call Number: UCF ONLINE General Collection -- LB1028.3 2017
"The Handbook of Research on Transformative Digital Content and Learning Technologies provides fresh insight into the most recent advancements and issues regarding educational technologies in contemporary classroom environments. Featuring detailed coverage on a variety of topics, such as mobile technology integration, ICT literacy integration, digital wellness, online group counseling, and distance learning, this publication will appeal to researchers and practitioners who are interested in discovering more about technological integration in education."
Call Number: UCF ONLINE General Collection -- LB3061.3.T65 2017
NOTE: Online access is limited to 3 simultaneous users.
"Written as a practical guide for teachers, this expanded 3rd edition of Carol Ann Tomlinson's groundbreaking work covers the fundamentals of differentiation and provides additional guidelines and new strategies for how to go about it. You'll learn: What differentiation is and why it's essential -- How to set up the flexible and supportive learning environment that promotes success -- How to manage a differentiated classroom -- How to plan lessons differentiated by readiness, interest, and learning profile How to differentiate content, process, and products -- How to prepare students, parents, and yourself for the challenge of differentiation"
The Math Teacher's Toolbox: hundreds of practical ideas to support your student
Call Number: UCF ARC General Collection -- QA11.2 .W663 2020
check availability
The Math Teacher's Toolbox contains hundreds of student-friendly classroom lessons and teaching strategies. Clear and concise chapters, fully aligned to Common Core math standards, cover the underlying research, required technology, practical classroom use, and modification of each high-value lesson and strategy. This book employs a hands-on approach to help educators quickly learn and apply proven methods and techniques in their mathematics courses. Topics range from the planning of units, lessons, tests, and homework to conducting formative assessments, differentiating instruction, motivating students, dealing with "math anxiety," and culturally responsive teaching. Easy-to-read content shows how and why math should be taught as a language and how to make connections across mathematical units. Designed to reduce instructor preparation time and increase student engagement and comprehension, this book: Explains the usefulness, application, and potential drawbacks of each instructional strategy -- Provides fresh activities for all classrooms -- Helps math teachers work with ELLs, advanced students, and students with learning differences -- Offers real-world guidance for working with parents, guardians, and co-teachers
Call Number: UCF ARC General Collection -- LB1031.G53 2002
NOTE: Online access is limited to 1 simultaneous user check availability of print version
"The Self-Directed Learning Handbook offers teachers and principals an innovative program for customizing schooling to the learning needs of individual students-- and for motivating them to take increasing responsibility for deciding what and how they should learn. Whether the students are struggling or proficient, the program is designed to nurture their natural passion for learning and mastery, challenging them to go beyond the easy and familiar so they can truly excel. The program can be introduced in stages in any middle or high school classroom and enables students of diverse abilities to design and pursue independent course work, special projects, or even artistic presentations, community field work or apprenticeships. Using this approach, the students take on an increasingly autonomous, self-directed role as they progress. The heart of the program is the action contract (or learning agreement) whereby the student sets challenging yet attainable goals, commits to a path for achieving them, and evaluates the results."
Teacher’s Handbook: Contextualized Language Instruction
Cambridge Core provides access to journals and eBooks on a broad range of subjects. The Cambridge University Press currently publishes over 250 peer-reviewed academic journals for the global market.
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Full text of research journals and eBooks from numerous publishers. For most of the journal content, we can access all but the 3 to 5 most recent years of the journal.
Indexes over 2 million entries from Oxford's Dictionaries, Companions & Encyclopedias spanning 25 different subject areas.
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a unique collaboration between libraries and publishers providing 100% full-text, affordable and user-friendly online access to over 300+ high quality humanities and social sciences journals from over 60 scholarly publishers.
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Full text eBooks, including selections by UCF faculty, students, and staff.
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Sage Knowledge is a cross-media platform, home to an expansive range of Sage book, business case, reference ad video titles within the social sciences. In addition, links to related to sage journals and sage research methods content. 3,500 titles SAGE eBook including scholarly and reference works, handbooks, series, professional development titles, and more.
Taylor & Francis eBooks is a single destination platform with eBooks in science, technology, engineering, medical, humanities and social science. It includes a librarian dashboard, which provides quick access to MARC and KBART reports, usage data, entitlements and much more. Researchers have a single point of discovery for eBook content, multiple search options, and more.
Subject coverage includes:
Asian Studies
Biomedical Sciences
Business & Management
Classical Studies
Creative & Media Arts
English Language & Linguistics
Environment and Sustainability
Health Studies
Language Learning
Media & Communication
Middle East
Public Administration
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Disciplines include:
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