Call Number: UCF ONLINE General Collection -- HM1271 2015
"The Encyclopedia of Diversity and Social Justice contains over 300 entries alphabetically arranged for straightforward and convenient use by scholars and general readers alike. This reference is a comprehensive and systematic collection of designated entries that describe, in detail, important diversity and social justice themes."
Call Number: UCF ARC General Collection -- HM821 .E45 2018
check availability of print version
"The Handbook of Social Status Correlates summarizes findings from nearly 4000 studies on traits associated with variations in socioeconomic status. Much of the information is presented in roughly 300 tables, each one providing a visual snapshot of what research has indicated regarding how a specific human trait appears to be correlated with socioeconomic status. The social status measures utilized and the countries in which each study was conducted are also identified."
Is Everyone Really Equal? An introduction to key concepts in social justice education
Call Number: UCF ARC General Collection -- LC191 .S38 2012
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"...this book offers a collection of detailed and engaging explanations of key concepts in social justice education, including critical thinking, socialization, group identity, prejudice, discrimination, oppression, power, privilege, and White supremacy. Based on extensive experience in a range of settings in the United States and Canada, the authors address the most common stumbling blocks to understanding social justice. They provide recognizable examples, scenarios, and vignettes illustrating these concepts."
Oxford Handbook of Poverty and Child Development
Call Number: UCF ARC General Collection -- HV713.O94 2012
ch4ck availability
"The Oxford Handbook of Poverty and Child Development provides a comprehensive analysis of the mechanisms through which socioeconomic, cultural, familial, and community-level factors impact the early and long-term cognitive, neurobiological, socio-emotional, and physical development of children living in poverty."
Rich and Poor in America: a reference handbook
Call Number: UCF ARC General Collection -- HC110.I5G55 2008
ch4ck availability
"This work provides a thorough overview and analysis of the increasing gap between the Americans at the top and bottom of the economic scale."
Routledge Handbook of Poverty in the United States
Call Number: UCF ARC General Collection -- HC110.P6R68 2015
ch4ck availability
Part I. From the Production of Inequality to the Production of Destitution : The U.S. Political Economy of Poverty in the Era of Globalization -- Part II. Discourses of Poverty : From the "Culture of Poverty" to "Surplus Population" -- Part III. From the Welfare State To The Neoliberal State : From Regulating to Imprisoning the Poor -- Part IV. Global Poverty and the Lived Experiences of Poor Communities in the United States -- Part V. Organizing to Resist Neoliberal Policies and Poverty : Activism and Advocacy -- Part VI. Reframing Poverty in the Era of Globalization : Alternatives to a Neoliberal Economic Order
Call Number: UCF ONLINE General Collection -- LB43 2019
"This handbook explores international educational practices and behaviours through new research and a review of existing research, with chapters spread across six parts: Part I: The Status of Comparative Education Research; Part II: Measurement Methods in Comparative Education Research; Part III: Research Practices in Comparative Studies of Education; Part IV: Lessons from International Comparisons of Student Behaviors; Part; V: International Comparisons of Instruction; Part VI: Influence of Large-Scale Assessments on Policy"