Call Number: UCF ONLINE General Collection -- LA210 .A15 2008
"With 100 entries, this handbook highlights the most important topics, issues, questions and debates any student obtaining a degree in the field of education ought to have mastered. The book aims to offer more detail than encyclopedic entries but with less jargon or detail than a journal article or research handbook chapter."
Building Trauma-Sensitive Schools
Call Number: UCF ARC General Collection -- LC4601.A6255 2019
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"Building Trauma-Sensitive Schools is a practical, accessible guide to building learning environments that ensure safety, develop regulation skills, and grow caring relationships for all students, including those who have experienced trauma"
Call Number: UCF ONLINE General Collection -- P118.C36 20115
"The Cambridge Handbook of Child Language brings together the world's foremost researchers to provide a one-stop resource for the study of language acquisition and development. Grouped into five thematic sections, the handbook is organized by topic, making it easier for students and researchers to use when looking up specific in-depth information. It covers a wider range of subjects than any other handbook on the market, with chapters covering both theories and methods in child language research and tracing the development of language from prelinguistic infancy to teenager. Drawing on both established and more recent research, the Handbook surveys the crosslinguistic study of language acquisition; prelinguistic development; bilingualism; sign languages; specific language impairment, language and autism, Down syndrome and Williams syndrome."
Expanding Elementary Teacher Education Through Service-Learning: a handbook on extending literacy field experience for twenty-first-century urban teacher preparation
Call Number: UCF ARC General Collection -- LB1715 .D65 2017
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"The goal of this handbook is to offer teacher educators a blue print for strengthening and extending traditional literacy field experiences to include service-learning components. As literacy teacher educators, Sulentic Dowell and Meidl demonstrate how teacher education can be transformed to include more authentic, meaningful, and preparatory field experiences. Adding service-learning components expands teacher education to more adequately prepare elementary education candidates to meet children's needs in 21st century, urban elementary classrooms. This handbook considers the need to redefine and reconfigure teacher education in regards to literacy teaching and learning."
The Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum: a tool for assessment, planning, and teaching grades PreK-8
Call Number: UCF Main Library Reference -- BF721.H242 2006
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v.1: Theoretical models of human development -- v.2: Cognition, perception & language -- v.3: Social, emotional & personality development -- v.4: Child psychology in practice
Handbook of Educational Psychology
Call Number: UCF General Collection -- LB1051.H2354 2016
ch4ck availability
Part I. Psychological Inquiry in Education -- Part II. Functional Processes for Learning -- Part III. Learner Readiness & Development -- Part IV. Building Knowledge & Subject Matter Expertise -- Part V. The Learning & Task Environment
"In Volume III, as in Volumes I and II, the classic topics of reading are included--from vocabulary and comprehension to reading instruction in the classroom--and, in addition, each contributor was asked to include a brief history that chronicles the legacies within each of the volume's many topics. However, on the whole, Volume III is not about tradition. Rather, it explores the verges of reading research between the time Volume II was published in 1991 and the research conducted after this date. The editors identified two broad themes as representing the myriad of verges that have emerged since Volumes I and II were published: (1) broadening the definition of reading, and (2) broadening the reading research program. The particulars of these new themes and topics are addressed."
Call Number: UCF ONLINE General Collection -- LB3051 .M4555 2019
"The Handbook of Research on Formative Assessment in Pre-K Through Elementary Classrooms is an essential research publication that addresses gaps in the understanding of formative assessment and offers educators meaningful and comprehensive examples of formative assessment in the Pre-K through elementary grade levels. Covering an array of topics such as literacy, professional development, and educational technologies, this book is relevant for instructors, administrators, education professionals, educational policymakers, pre-service teachers, academicians, researchers, and students."
Handbook of Research on Literacy and Diversity
Call Number: UCF ARC General Collection -- LB1576.H2337 2009
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"This research handbook addresses all dimensions of diversity that have an impact on literacy achievement."
"Over 50 international experts have combined their research and practical experience into 35 all-inclusive chapters, redefining the way teaching and learning is dispensed. This authoritative handbook details the needs of teachers, researchers, and scholars through state-of-the-art perspectives, exposing them to new ideas and interesting developments."
Handbook of Research on New Literacies
Call Number: UCF ARC General Collection -- LB1043.H328 2008
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Reviews of research are organized into six sections: Methodologies -- Knowledge & Inquiry -- Communication -- Popular Culture, Community, & Citizenship: Everyday Literacies -- Instructional Practices & Assessment -- Multiple Perspectives on New Literacies Research
Call Number: UCF ONLINE General Collection -- LB1027.55 .W45 2014
"The Handbook of School Mental Health offers ways for professionals to maximize resources, make and strengthen valuable connections, and attain more effective school-based services and programming. At the same time, the Handbook provides strategies and recommendations in critical areas, such as workforce development, interdisciplinary collaborations, youth/family engagement, consultation, funding, and policy concerns, summarizes the state of current research, and offers directions for further study."
International Handbook of Research on Teachers' Beliefs
Call Number: UCF ARC General Collection -- LB2840.I57 2015
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Section One. Foundations of Teachers’ Beliefs Research -- Section Two. Studying Teachers’ Beliefs -- Section Three. Teachers’ Identity, Motivation, & Affect -- Section Four. Contexts & Teachers’ Beliefs -- Section 5. Teachers’ Beliefs about Knowing & Teaching within Academic Domains -- Section Six. Teachers’ Beliefs about Learners
Call Number: UCF ONLINE General Collection -- LB1137 2017
"The Routledge International Handbook of Early Childhood Play...proposes the importance of adult participation in play, as adult guidance brings the possibility of moral, cultural and symbolic elements to children's play, and enhances the educational opportunities in adult-child joint play. The book also examines the aesthetic dimension of play and its role in the development of imagination and creativity."
Call Number: UCF ARC General Collection -- LB1139.L3S247 2013
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"In the Handbook, readers will find coverage of all the key topics in early childhood literacy, including perspectives; literacy in families, communities and cultures; making meaning; literacy in preschool settings and schools, and various research methodologies."
Call Number: UCF ARC General Collection -- HQ767.85 .S244 2016
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"The Handbook recognizes the main contexts of early childhood research: home and family contexts; out-of-home contexts such as services for young children and their families; and broader societal contexts of that evoke risk for young children. The Handbook includes sections on: the field of early childhood research and its key contributions new theories and theoretical approaches in early childhood research collecting and analysing data applications of early childhood research. "
School Readiness and the Characteristics of Effective Learning
Call Number: UCF ARC General Collection -- LB1132 .G75 2018
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"This guide...explores the concept of school readiness by unpicking what the term means for children and how we can define it in the context of the characteristics of effective learning. This includes ideas for promoting playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically. The book also considers how we can ensure schools are ready to receive children and suggests ways in which preschools and nurseries can work collaboratively with schools and engage parents and carers to ensure a smooth transition."
Call Number: UCF ONLINE General Collection -- LB 1139.23.W55 2017
NOTE: Online access is limited to a specific number of uses per year
The State of Young Children in the United States -- Theoretical & Empirical Contexts of Applied Developmental Science of Early Childhood -- Early Childhood Education & Care -- Parenting, Family, & Dual-generation Programs -- Public Policy & Young Children
Cambridge Core provides access to journals and eBooks on a broad range of subjects. The Cambridge University Press currently publishes over 250 peer-reviewed academic journals for the global market.
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Sage Knowledge is a cross-media platform, home to an expansive range of Sage book, business case, reference ad video titles within the social sciences. In addition, links to related to sage journals and sage research methods content. 3,500 titles SAGE eBook including scholarly and reference works, handbooks, series, professional development titles, and more.
Taylor & Francis eBooks is a single destination platform with eBooks in science, technology, engineering, medical, humanities and social science. It includes a librarian dashboard, which provides quick access to MARC and KBART reports, usage data, entitlements and much more. Researchers have a single point of discovery for eBook content, multiple search options, and more.
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