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Higher Education

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Call Number Subject
LB 2300 - 2430 Higher education
- LB 2300 - 2330 - General. Institutions of higher education
- LB 2331 - 2335.8 - Special aspects of higher education
College teaching -- Evaluation & ranking of universities & colleges
Personnel management -- Teaching personnel
- LB 2335.84 - 2335.885 - Labor disputes. Trade unions
- LB 2335.95 - 2337 - Endowments, trusts, etc.
- LB 2337.2 - 2340.96 - Student financial aid
Scholarships & fellowships -- Student loan funds
Financial aid administration
- LB 2341 - 2342.86 - Supervision & administration
Business management
Finance. Income & expenditure. Accounting
Trustees -- Public relations
- LB 2342.9 - 2350.5 - Student affairs services
Student personnel administration -- School year
Relation between higher & secondary education
Choice of college
- LB 2351 - 2360 - Admissions & entrance requirements
College applications -- Entrance examinations
Transfer of students. Transfer of credits
- LB 2360.2 - 2365 - Academic departments -- Curriculum
- LB 2366 - 2368 - College examinations -- Grading & promotion
- LB 2369 - 2372.3 - Graduate education
Preparation of theses -- Research institutes, centers, laboratories
- LB 2375 - 2378.5 - Exchange of students & scholars. Foreign study
- LB 2379 - 2391 - Academic degrees
- LB 2393 - 2396 - Methods of study
- LB 2397 - 2430 - College life. Alumni
LB 2799 - 2799.3 Educational consultants & consulting

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