"AccessEngineering is an award-winning engineering reference and teaching platform that delivers world-renowned, interdisciplinary engineering content integrated with analytical teaching and learning tools.
- Search the latest editions of renowned engineering handbooks as well as hundreds of other expert references
- Access leading upper-level engineering textbooks
- Better understand material properties with DataVis, the interactive data visualization tool
- Accurately solve complex engineering equations with downloadable Excel spreadsheets
- Watch engineering solutions in action with hundreds of faculty-created videos
- Analyze key data with thousands of interactive graphs and downloadable tables
- Review comprehensive step-by-step explanations—not just answers— of engineering problems using solutions walkthroughs"
(UCF access provided by FLVC)
Applied Science & Technology Source offers extensive coverage of research and development within the applied sciences and computing disciplines by combining high-quality databases from both EBSCO Publishing and H.W. Wilson. This premier resource offers full text for almost 1,200 journals, citations to millions of articles. The content within Applied Science & Technology Source derives from numerous sources, including leading trade journals, professional and technical society journals, and conference proceedings.
formerly called Applied Science & Technology (EBSCOhost/Wilson) (1983+)
"The collection contains engineering related full-text articles, granular access to millions of figures and tables within articles, and the entire range of bibliographic records from the Engineering Research Database."
Included databases:
- Abstracts in New Technology & Engineering
- Biotechnology and BioEngineering Abstracts
- Biotechnology Research Abstracts
- Civil Engineering Abstracts
- Earthquake Engineering Abstracts
- Environmental Engineering Abstracts
- Mechanical & Transportation Engineering Abstracts
- ProQuest Deep Indexing: Engineering
- ProQuest Engineering Journals Subject coverage:
- Aircraft design and engineering
- Arctic and tropical engineering
- Automotive design and engineering
- Bridges and tunnels
- Buildings, towers and tanks
- Civil engineering for air and space transportation
- Coastal and offshore structures
- Construction materials
- Design and properties of substructures
- Earthmoving and construction machinery
- Electric and hybrid vehicles
- Engineering for electric power generation
- Engineering for industrial and manufacturing processes
- Flood analysis
- Fuels and propellants
- Geotechnical engineering
- Hazardous materials
- High speed trains, rapid transit railways and monorails
- Highways and roads
- Industrial robots and automation
- Industrial waste and sewage
- Internal combustion engines
- Land development, irrigation and drainage
- Magnetic levitation railways
- Military technology
- Nuclear power plants
- Pollution, waste and water engineering
- Railroad rails and structures
- Road, rail and sea transport
- Seismic engineering
- Seismic phenomena
- Shipbuilding
- Site remediation and reclamation
- Sporting and recreational vehicles
- Storm water management
- Tanks and armored vehicles
- Theoretical mechanics and dynamics
- Thermoelectric energy
- Tidal and wind power
- Waste management
Full text access to quality technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics. Includes most IEEE journals, conference proceedings, and standards.
IEEE Electronic Library (IEL) includes access to the full text of IEEE content published since 1988 with select content published since 1872 from: - IEEE journals, transactions, and magazines, including early access documents - IEEE conference proceedings - IET conference proceedings - IEEE published standards - IEEE Standards Dictionary Online VDE VERLAG Conference Proceedings includes complimentary access to the AbstractPlus records and select full text published since 2005 Bell Labs Technical Journal includes access to the AbstractPlus records and full text articles published from 1922 IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library includes full text access to all IEEE-Wiley eBooks titles copyrighted in the year(s) 1974-2013 Individual Online Journals includes access to all AbstractPlus records and full text published since 2005 from: - Systems Engineering and Electronics, Journal of -IET journals are now largely Open Access at the IET Research Hub on Wiley Online Library
Provides citation indexing of top high-impact journals with powerful tools such as cited reference searching and Author Finder, 256 categories thoroughly cover the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.
Citation Indexes for finding articles that cite a given author or citation.
- Science Citation Index Expanded (1965+)
- Social Sciences Citation Index (1965+)
- Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1975+)
Citation Connection is now available. This includes:
- Data Citation Index (1900+)
- Derwent Innovations Index – Patents Database (1963+)
- Book Citation Index: Scholarly Books (2005+)
- Conference Proceedings Citation Index (1990+)
- Index Chemicus (IC) (1989+)
- Current Chemical Reactions (1993+)
- Current Contents Connect (1998+)
"This database provides indexing and abstracts from more than 4,000 current serial and non-serial titles, including content from ASCE and ICE. The database currently includes over 1M records from periodicals, conference papers, trade journals, magazines, books, patents and technical reports, with indexing back to the early 1960s. It covers all civil aspects from architecture, structural design and construction engineering to environmental, seismic engineering and forensics."
"The IET Digital Library is a global repository of science, engineering and technology focused content produced by the world’s leading international scientific organisation and thought leader – the IET."
Topic areas include:
- Computing
- Control, Robotics & Sensors
- Electromagnetic Waves
- Energy Engineering
- Healthcare Technologies
- History of Technology
- Management of Technology
- Materials, Circuits & Devices
- Radar, Sonar, Navigation and Avionics
- Sector Publications
- Telecommunications
- Transport
IEEE Electronic Library (IEL) includes access to the full text of IEEE content published since 1988 with select content published since 1872 from: - IEEE journals, transactions, and magazines, including early access documents - IEEE conference proceedings - IET conference proceedings - IEEE published standards - IEEE Standards Dictionary Online VDE VERLAG Conference Proceedings includes complimentary access to the AbstractPlus records and select full text published since 2005 Bell Labs Technical Journal includes access to the AbstractPlus records and full text articles published from 1922 IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library includes full text access to all IEEE-Wiley eBooks titles copyrighted in the year(s) 1974-2013 Individual Online Journals includes access to all AbstractPlus records and full text published since 2005 from: - Systems Engineering and Electronics, Journal of -IET journals are now largely Open Access at the IET Research Hub on Wiley Online Library
"The IET Digital Library is a global repository of science, engineering and technology focused content produced by the world’s leading international scientific organisation and thought leader – the IET."
Topic areas include:
- Computing
- Control, Robotics & Sensors
- Electromagnetic Waves
- Energy Engineering
- Healthcare Technologies
- History of Technology
- Management of Technology
- Materials, Circuits & Devices
- Radar, Sonar, Navigation and Avionics
- Sector Publications
- Telecommunications
- Transport
"The IET Digital Library is a global repository of science, engineering and technology focused content produced by the world’s leading international scientific organisation and thought leader – the IET."
Topic areas include:
- Computing
- Control, Robotics & Sensors
- Electromagnetic Waves
- Energy Engineering
- Healthcare Technologies
- History of Technology
- Management of Technology
- Materials, Circuits & Devices
- Radar, Sonar, Navigation and Avionics
- Sector Publications
- Telecommunications
- Transport
-IAOR ceased at the end of 2017
-The archives moved from Palgrave to International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS).
-Print version (1961-2008) is available from the Main Library
UCF ARC MAIN General Collection -- Q500.I 5
-Contains bibliographic and abstract information in operations research and management science - sourced from over 180 of the world's leading journals.
Placement of the abstracts is arranged according to four major divisions:
- Process oriented where the emphasis is on the modelling of operations, functions, or activities common to various enterprises (Accidents, Allocation-Resources, Behaviour, Bidding, Communication, Computers-Information, Control, Cybernetics, Decision-Applications/Rules/Studies, Demand, Design, Distribution, Experiment, Facilities, Financial, Forecasting, Gaming, Information, Innovation, Inventory-Order Policies/Storage, Investment, Knowledge Management, Learning, Location, Maintenance/Repair & Replacement, Management, Marketing, Measurement, Organization, Performance, Personnel & Manpower Planning, Planning, Production-FMS/JIT/MRP, Project Management, Quality & Reliability, Queues, Retailing, Risk, Scheduling, Search, Service, Soft Systems, Storage, Supply & Supply Chains, Systems, Timetabling, Values, Vehicle Routing & Scheduling, Yield Management)
- Application oriented where the emphasis is on certain arenas, and models which are specialized to an arena (Advertising, Agriculture & Food, Biology, Commerce, Cummunications, Community, Construction & Architecture, Cutting Stock, Ecology, E-commerce, Economics, Education, Energy, Engineering, Finance & Banking, Forestry, Geography & Environment, Government, Health Services, Internet, Law & Law Enforcement, Manufacturing Industries, Marketing, Medicine, Meteorology, Military & Defence, Mineral Industries, Petroleum, Politics, Recreation & Tourism, Social, Space, Sports, Transportation-Air/General/Rail/Road/Water, Union Affairs, Water)
- Technique oriented where the emphasis is on abstract or mathematical models, methods, topics, techniques and solutions (Analytic Hierarchy Process, Artificial Intelligence-Decision Support/Expert Systems, Combinatorial Analysis, Combinatorial Optimization, Computational Analysis, Control Processes, Cost Benefit Analysis, Datamining, Decision Theory, Differential Equations, Fuzzy Sets, Game Theory, Graphs, Heuristics-Ant Systems/Genetic Algorithms/Local Search/Tabu Search, Lagrange Multipliers, Markov Processes, Matrices, Networks-Flow/Path/Scheduling, Neural Networks, Numerical Analysis, Optimization-Simulated Annealing, Probability, Programming-Assignment/Branch & Bound/Constraints/Convex/Dynamic/Geometric/Goal/Integer/Linear/Mathematical/Multiple Criteria/Nonlinear/Parametric/Probabilistic/Quadratic/Traveling Salesman, Queues, Sets, Simulation-Analysis/Applications/Data Envelopment Analysis/Decision/Distributions/Empirical/Experiment/Inference/Multivariate/Regression/Sampling, Stochastic Processes, Time Series & Forecasting Methods)
- Professionally oriented where the emphasis is on the practice and development of operations research itself (Developing Countries, Education in OR, History, OR in a Region/Country, Philosophy, Practice)
"The IET Digital Library is a global repository of science, engineering and technology focused content produced by the world’s leading international scientific organisation and thought leader – the IET."
Topic areas include:
- Computing
- Control, Robotics & Sensors
- Electromagnetic Waves
- Energy Engineering
- Healthcare Technologies
- History of Technology
- Management of Technology
- Materials, Circuits & Devices
- Radar, Sonar, Navigation and Avionics
- Sector Publications
- Telecommunications
- Transport
Get substances - Access substance information including chemical structures, chemical names, CAS Registry Numbers®, properties, commercial availability and regulatory information. Get reactions - Find dependable and current chemical reaction information from our extensive databases including reaction schemes, experimental procedures, conditions, yields, solvents, catalysts, as well as commercial availability of substances with direct links to leading producer and supplier sites. Get references – get the information you need when you need it with our unrivaled collection of the world’s most up-to-date chemistry and related science information found in journals, patents, dissertations and more."
The Landolt-Börnstein Database - 400 volumes, 250,000 substances and 1,200,000 citations
The complete Linus Pauling Files - A comprehensive database about the properties of inorganic solid phases, consisting of 255,000 documents
A subset of the Dortmund Database of Software and Separation Technology - Covering the Thermophysical Properties of pure liquids and binary mixtures, with 425,000 data points
An Adsorption database - covers over 1,000 reversible, equilibrium isotherms
A Polymer Thermodyamics database - that contains 140,000 datapoints about 150 polymers
44,000 Chemical Safety Documents
- REACH Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals
- GHS Globally Harmonized System
- RoHS Restriction of Hazardous Substances
- WEEE Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Provides options to search by elements, search by structure, or search the corrosion database by material name and/or environment.
"The IET Digital Library is a global repository of science, engineering and technology focused content produced by the world’s leading international scientific organisation and thought leader – the IET."
Topic areas include:
- Computing
- Control, Robotics & Sensors
- Electromagnetic Waves
- Energy Engineering
- Healthcare Technologies
- History of Technology
- Management of Technology
- Materials, Circuits & Devices
- Radar, Sonar, Navigation and Avionics
- Sector Publications
- Telecommunications
- Transport