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Copyright, Fair Use, and the Education Dilemma

How do I place materials on reserve in the library?

What is "Fair Use"?

CETUS (Consortium for Educational Technology in University Systems) discusses Fair Use & Higher Education.

Where can I get a copyright permission form?

UCF Teaching Online has posted an example permission request form and an example letter, as part of their Copyright related information. The Copyright Clearance Center offers a FEE service, the Permissions Online Service.

How can I contact the publishers?

Current UCF faculty and students can find contact information for publishers from the UCF Library home page. For book publishers, click on "Database Titles A-L", and select "Books in Print". For journal publishers, click on "Database Titles M-Z", and select "Ulrich's International Periodical Directory". NOTE: You will need to set up a PROXY connection to access either of these databases from off-campus.

Where can I obtain a copyright application form for an original work?

The UCF Office of Research and Commercialization has posted copyright and patent disclosure forms available online.