Call Number: UCF Main Library Reference -- AI21.N44
1941-1945 print volumes; each year has 2 volumes covering A-Z subjects; entries are chronological within a subject entry
World War II--Western Front
Other headings: World War II--Casualties
"The Online Catalog allows searching and browsing of information about the State Archives of Florida's holdings of over 40,000 cubic feet of state and local government records and historical manuscripts. The catalog provides descriptions of over 2,700 collections and lists the contents of containers and folders in many of those collections."
Advanced subject search in quotation marks "World War, 1939-1945 Florida"
Florida militia and National Guard muster rolls, rosters, unit histories, casualties, fatalities, grave registrations, etc.
World War II - volumes 1, 7-8, 10-13, 15, 17-19, 44-45, 58-63, 65, 85, 97-99, 101, 106-108, 119-120, 133-137, 147-148
Online version: search for "world war 1939" to retrieve 17 titles or search for "wwii" to retrieve 34 titles
See also: Special Archives Publications Index, Vol. 3 for numerical list of publications and then search by the title of the specific publication
access to vast and varied information published by and about Congress, including full text of almost all Committee Reports from 1990 forward and Congressional testimony from 1988 forward.
Call Number: UCF Main Library Reference -- UB393 .H65 2010
ch4ck availability
This updated edition of the 1992 reference work contains comprehensive information about United States military cemeteries, including how each cemetery was chosen, why it was established, and notable individuals buried therein. Covered are cemeteries operated by the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of the Army, the National Park Service, the American Battle Monuments Commission, and the various states, among others, along with smaller and "lost" cemeteries. Appendices provide lists of installations by state and by year of establishment, as well as information on headstones, markers and the Medal of Honor.
identifies some of the newspapers that might be found in other libraries around the world. Entries in the first two volumes (United States) are arranged geographically by state and by city under the state. Entries in the third volume (Foreign Countries) are arranged geographically by country and by city under the country.
The Florida pages begin on page 189 of volume 1.
Keesing's Contemporary Archives/Record of World Events (1931+)
Call Number: UCF Main Library Reference - -- D410.K4
ch4ck availability
provides weekly summaries of world events, drawn from newspapers, wire services, and other information sources. The issues from 1983 forward are monthly summaries. Includes the texts of speeches and documents.
Facts on File Yearbook (1941-1999)
Call Number: UCF Main Library Reference -- D410.F3
ch4ck availability
provides "a detailed, objective and timely weekly distillation of the news and current information as reported in more than 70 major newspapers and newsmagazines from the U.S. and around the world."
Blacks in the U. S. Armed Forces: basic documents
Call Number: UCF MAIN General Collection -- E185.63.B55 1977
13 volumes check availability
v. 1. A time of slavery.--v. 2. Civil War and emancipation.--v. 3. Freedom and Jim Crow, 1865-1917.--v. 4. Segregation entrenched, 1917-1940.--v. 5. Black soldiers in World War II.--v. 6. Blacks in the World War II Naval establishment.--v. 7. Planning for the postwar, employment of Black personnel.--v. 8. Segregation under siege.--v. 9. The Fahy Committee.--v. 10. The Fahy Committee.--v. 11. The Fahy Committee.--v. 12. Integration.--v. 13. Equal treatment and opportunity, the McNamara doctrine
U.S. Army Center of Military History
Books & Research Materials, Organized by Time Periods:
General / Colonial Era
Revolutionary War /Early National Era
War of 1812 / Early 19th Century
Mexican War / Civil War
Late Nineteenth Century / War with Spain / Turn of the Century