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Legal Terminology

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Abbreviations of some commonly requested legal sources

Most of the following sources are currently available at the UCF Main Campus Library. Some of the sources can be Shepardized using the abbreviation in the first column.

 Nexis Uni - Shepard's Citation Formats

A.L.R. American Law Reports Gen Coll KF 132 .A5216 (v.1-175)
A.L.R.2d American Law Reports, Second Series Gen Coll KF 132 .A52166 (v.1-100)
A.L.R.3d American Law Reports, Third Series Gen Coll KF 132 .A53 (v.1-100)
A.L.R.4th American Law Reports, Fourth Series Gen Coll KF 132 .A54 (v.1-100)
A.L.R.5th American Law Reports, Fifth Series Reference KF 132 .A55 (v.1-125)
A.L.R.6th American Law Reports, Sixth Series Reference KF 132 .A56 (v.1+)
A.L.R.Fed American Law Reports, Federal Westlaw (Ask at Research Assistance Desk)
A.L.R.Fed.2d American Law Reports, Federal Second Series Westlaw (Ask at Research Assistance Desk)
Am.Jur.2d American Jurisprudence, Second Edition Reference KF 154 .A42
Barry L.Rev. Barry Law Review online only (v.1+)
C.F.R. Code of Federal Regulations Ready Ref US Documents AE 2.106/3:
C.J.S. Corpus Juris Secundum Reference KF 65 .L8
F. Federal Reporter online only (v.1+)
F.2d Federal Reporter, Second Series Gen Coll KF 105 .F43 (v.1-999)
F.3d Federal Reporter, Third Series Gen Coll KF 105 .F43 (v.1-485)
Fed.Reg. Federal Register US Documents microfiche AE 2.106: (v.1+)
FIU L.Rev. FIU Law Review online only (v.1+)
Fla. Florida Reports online only (v.1+)
Fla.Admin.Code Florida Administrative Code Annotated Ready Ref US Documents KFF 35 1982 .A2
Fla.B.J. Florida Bar Journal Gen Coll K6 .F778 (v.27,no.7+)
Fla.J.Int'l L. Florida Journal of International Law online only (v.8+)
Fla.L.Rev. Florida Law Review Gen Coll K25 .F666 (v.1+)
Fla.Stat. Florida Statutes Ready Ref US Documents KFF 30 .A2 F55
Fla.Stat.Ann. Florida Statutes Annotated Reference KFF 30 1970 .A2
Fla.St.U.L.Rev. Florida State University Law Review Gen Coll K6 .L675 (v.1+)
Fla.Supp. Florida Supplement Barry or FAMU Law Library
Fla.Supp.2d Florida Supplement, Second Series Barry or FAMU Law Library
F.L.W. or Fla.L.Weekly Florida Law Weekly
Ask at Research Assistance Desk for online (v.20+)
Reference KFF 47 .F54 (v.22+)
F.Supp. Federal Supplement Gen Coll KF.F42 (v.1-999)
F.Supp.2d Federal Supplement, Second Series Gen Coll KF.F42 2d ser. (v.1+)
J.Land Use&Envtl.L. Florida State University Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law online only (v.10+)
J.Transnat'l L.&Pol'y Journal of Technology Law & Policy online only (v.3+)
L.Ed. U.S. Supreme Court Reports, Lawyers' Edition Reference KF.A2 (v.1-100)
L.Ed.2d U.S. Supreme Court Reports, Lawyers' Edition, Second Series Reference KF.A2 2d ser. (v.1+)
Nova L.Rev. Nova Law Review online only (v.19+)
S.Ct. U.S. Supreme Court Reporter
To cross-reference a citation from S.Ct. to L.Ed.2d,
use the Parallel Reference Tables in volume 4 of
Shepard's United States Citations (Reference KF 101.2 .S54).
Westlaw (Ask at Research Assistance Desk)
So. Southern Reporter Gen Coll KFF 51 .A1 1887 (v.1-200)
So.2d Southern Reporter, Second Series (Florida Cases) Reference KFF 51 .A1 (v.1-999)
So.3d Southern Reporter, Third Series (Florida Cases) Reference KFF 51 .A1 3d Series (v.1+)
Stat. United States Statutes at Large US Documents AE 2.111: and
US Documents GS 4.111:
Stetson L.Rev. Stetson Law Review Gen Coll K 23 .T48 (v.1+)
St. Thomas L.Rev. St. Thomas Law Review online only (v.6+)
T.C. United States Tax Court (1942+) US Documents Ju 11.7: (v.1+)
U.Fla.J.L.& Pub.Pol'y University of Florida Journal of Law & Public Policy online only (v.6+)
U.Miami Bus.L.Rev. University of Miami Business Law Review online only (v.7+)
U.Miami Ent. Sports L.Rev. University of Miami Entertainment & Sports Law Review online only (v.10+)
U.Miami Inter-Am.L.Rev. University of Miami Inter-American Law Review online only (v.25+)
U.Miami L.Rev. University of Miami Law Review Gen Coll K 25 .N58 (v.19+)
U.S. United States Reports US Documents Ju 6.8:
U.S.C. United States Code US Documents Y 1.2/5:
U.S.C.A. United States Code Annotated Reference KF 62 .U6
U.S.C.C.A.N. U.S. Code Congressional & Administrative News Reference KF 62 .A2 .W4
U.S.C.S. United States Code Service Reference KF 62 1972 .L38

Abbreviations to Regional Reporters




Atlantic Reporter

Regional reporter containing cases from CT, DE, D.C., ME, MD, NH, NJ, PA, RI, VT; printed in three series

N.E. 2d
North Eastern Reporter

Regional reporter containing cases from IL, IN, MA, NY, OH; printed in two series

N.W. 2d
North Western Reporter

Regional reporter containing cases from IA, MI, MN, NE, ND, SD, WI; printed in two series

Pacific Reporter

Regional reporter containing cases from AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, KS, MT, NV, NM, OK, OR, UT, WA, WY; printed in three series

S.E. 2d
South Eastern Reporter

Regional reporter containing cases from GA, NC, SC, VA, WV; printed in two series

So. 2d
Southern Reporter

Regional reporter containing cases from AL, FL, LA, MS; printed in two series

S.W. 2d
S.W. 3d
South Western Reporter

Regional reporter containing cases from AR, KY, MO, TN, TX; printed in three series

Cal. Rptr.
Cal. Rptr. 2d
Cal. Rptr. 3d
California Reporter
State reporter covering cases from CA; printed in three series
N.Y.S. 2d
New York Supplement
State reporter covering cases from NY; printed in two series