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Poor Laws & Poverty

Major Acts of Congress

  • Aid to Dependent Children (1935)
  • Social Security Act of 1935
  • United States Housing Act of 1937
  • Economic Opportunity Act of 1964
  • Food Stamp Act of 1964
  • Elementary & Secondary Education Act of 1965
  • Medicaid Act (1965)
  • Personal Responsibility & Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (1996)

Congressional Digest

Congressional Digest provides a monthly analysis of the pros and cons of public policy issues. For example:

  • 2021: April -- Federal Minimum Wage
  • 2020: March -- Access to Food Stamps; May -- Fighting Homelessness
  • 2018: June -- Migrant Children
  • 2014: April -- Early Childhood Education & Head Start
  • 2013: May -- Raising the Minimum Wage; November -- Food Stamps & SNAP
  • 2011: March -- The Health Care Debate Continues; June -- Medicare & the Budget
  • 2010: March -- Job Creation; December -- Child Nutrition: Combating Hunger & Obesity in America
  • 2009: September -- Poverty in America
  • 2004: February -- The Ongoing Medicare Debate
  • 2002: September -- The Debate Over the 1996 Reform Continues
  • 2000: March -- Minimum Wage & The Debate Over Raising the Hourly Rate
  • 1997: October -- Public Housing Reform
  • 1995: June/July -- Welfare Reform; October -- Privatizing Social Security; November -- Medicare Reform
  • 1992: June/July -- Capping Federal Entitlement Programs
  • 1989: May -- Minimum Wage Legislation
  • 1988: February -- Welfare Reform; June/July -- The Fair Housing Amendments Act
  • 1987: April -- Federal Catastrophic Health Insurance; August/September -- Raising the Minimum Wage
  • 1985: April -- Subminimum Wage for Youth
  • 1983: April -- Controversy Over Social Security Reform Proposals
  • 1981: January -- Controversy Over the Food Stamp Program; March -- Controversy Over "Fair Housing"; August/September -- Controversy Over Financing Social Security
  • 1980: January -- The Welfare Reform Amendments Act
  • 1978: May -- Congress & The Welfare Reform Controversy
  • 1977: May -- Controversy Over New Federal Minimum Wage Proposals
  • 1975: May -- Controversy in the Congress Over Food Stamps
  • 1973: August/September -- Controversy Over the Federal Role in Aiding Low-Income Individuals
  • 1972: April -- Proposed Revision of the Federal Minimum Wage Law
  • 1970: June/July -- Congress & The "Family Assistance Plan"
  • 1968: January -- Controversy Over the Federal Job Corps; February -- Congress & The Community Action Program; June/July -- Congress & Public Welfare Revision
  • 1967: October -- Question of Guaranteed Annual Incomes
  • 1966: February -- Proposals to Change Minimum Wage Law; March -- Congress & The Johnson Poverty Program
  • 1964: June/July -- U.S. Food Surpluses & The Nation's Needy; October -- Federal Public Works & Unemployment; December -- The Question of a Separate Federal Program for the Development of "Appalachia"
  • 1960: February -- Move to Raise & Extend the Minimum Wage
  • 1957: June/July -- The Extent of Minimum Wage Coverage
  • 1950: August/September -- Debate Topic/Resolved "That the American People Should Reject the Welfare State"
  • 1945: November -- Should Congress Pass the Pepper Minimum Wage Increase Bill?
  • 1936: November -- The Question of Fixing a Minimum Wage for American Industry
  • 1931: February -- Congress Considers a New Maternity & Infancy Bill
  • 1923: March -- The Sheppard-Towner Maternity Act Before the Courts
  • 1921: October -- The "Maternity Bill"; November -- The Fess-Kenyon Public Welfare Department Bill

Historical Statistics of the United States

Chapter Be -- Economic Inequality and Poverty

  • Poverty Essay (27 pages)
  • Poverty Lines (9 tables), e.g.,
    • Minimum subsistence budgets and poverty lines,
      by family size, 1908-1963
    • Weighted-average official poverty thresholds and
      selected alternative poverty lines, by family size, 1947-1999
  • Characteristics of the Poverty Population (8 tables), e.g.,
    • Families below poverty threshold, by family type and the sex,
      race, and Hispanic origin of the household head, 1959-1999
    • Persons age 65 or older below poverty threshold,
      by race and Hispanic origin, 1959-1999

U.S. Resources -- 1789-1980

U.S. Congressional Serial Set and American State Papers

American State Papers, 1789-1838 (Readex)

U.S. Congressional Serial Set, 1817-1980 (Readex)

Browse by Subjects:

  • Social Issues
    • Almshouses
    • Child welfare
    • Poor children
    • Poor persons
    • Poverty
    • Public housing
    • Public welfare
    • Slums
    • Soldiers' homes

U.S. Resources -- 1639-1800

Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans, 1639-1800

Browse by Subjects:

  • Economics & Trade 
    • Debt, Imprisonment for
    • Poor
    • Poverty
  • Government
    • Public welfare
  • Society, Manners, & Customs
    • Almshouses
    • Orphans & Orphan Asylums