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U.S. Congressional Serial Set Finding Lists

provides links to Internet Archive copies until College of Wooster sets up new lists

SuDocs Classes Found in the Serial Set - A through IC

SuDocs Title Dates Earlier See Later See
A 1.1: Annual Report, Secretary of Agriculture 1862-date --- ---
A 1.10: Agriculture Yearbook 1894-date --- ---
A 10.1/2: Annual Reports, Office of Experiment Stations 1895-1919 --- ---
A 4.1: Annual Reports, Bureau of Animal Industry 1884-1911 --- ---
A 26.5: Field Operations, Bureau of Soils 1899-1922 --- ---
A 29.1: Annual Reports, Weather Bureau 1891-1935 --- ---
A 29.45: Meteorological Yearbook 1935-1940 --- C 30.25:
A 72.1: Annual Reports, Farm Credit Administration 1939-1942, 1943-1953 FCA 1.1: A 79.101:, FCA 1.1:
A 79.101: Annual Reports, Farm Credit Administration 1942-1943 A 72.1: A 72.1:
AC 1.1: Annual Reports, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency 1961-1993 --- ---
AR 1.1: Annual Reports, American Republics Bureau 1891-1909? --- ---
AR 1.6: Monthly Bulletins, American Republics Bureau 1892-??? --- ---
C 1.1: Annual Reports, Department of Commerce 1903-date --- ---
C 3.10: Official Register 1907-1932 I 1.25: CS 1.31:
C 3.134: Statistical Abstract 1938-1971, 1976-date C 18.14: C 56.243:
C 3.134/2:CT Supplements to Statistical Abstract 1945-date --- ---
C 3.159: Foreign Commerce and Navigation 1953-date C 18.19: ---
C 4.1: Annual Reports, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey 1904-1965 T 11.1: ---
C 6.1: Annual Reports, Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries 1903-1939 FC 1.1: ---
C 6.3: Bulletins of the U. S. Fisheries Commission 1904-1939 FC 1.3: ---
C 8.1: Annual Reports, Department of Labor 1903-1913 La 1.1: L 1.1:
C 8.3: Bulletins, Department of Labor nos.48-111 La 1.3: L 2.3:
C 10.6: Consular Reports (Monthly) 1905-1910 C 14.8: ---
C 10.7: Special Consular Reports v.37-40 C 14.10: ---
C 10.8: Commercial Relations of the United States 1904-1912 S 4.1: C 18.16:
C 11.1: Annual Reports, Navigation Bureau 1903-1931 T 30.1: C 25.1:
C 11.5: List of Merchant Vessels 1903-1931 T 30.5: C 25.11:
C 14.1: Foreign Commerce and Navigation 1904-1912 T 37.1: C 18.19:
C 14.8: Consular Reports (Monthly) 1903-1905 S 4.7: C 10.6:
C 14.10: Special Consular Reports v.27-36 S 4.9: ---
C 14.14: Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance 1903-? T 37.8: ---
C 14.16: Statistical Abstract 1903-1912 T 37.10: C 18.14:
C 18.14: Statistical Abstract 1913-1937 C 14.16: C 3.134:
C 18.16: Commercial Relations 1913-1953 C 10.8: ---
C 18.19: Foreign Commerce and Navigation 1913-1952 C 14.1: C 3.159:
C 21.1/1: Annual Reports, Commissioner of Patents 1925-date I 23.1/1: ---
C 21.6: Decisions, Commissioner of Patents 1925-date I 23.10: ---
C 22.8: Mineral Resources of the United States 1925-1931 I 19.8: I 28.37:
C 25.1: Annual Reports, Navigation Bureau 1932-1942 C 11.1: ---
C 25.11: List of Merchant Vessels 1932-1942 C 11.5: T 17.11/2:
C 27.1: Annual Reports, Shipping Board 1933-1936 SB 1.1: ---
C 30.25: Meteorological Yearbook 1940-1965 A 29.45: ---
C 39.201: Annual Reports, Maritime Commission/Administration 1950-1981 MC 1.1: TD 11.1:
CS 1.1: Annual Reports, Civil Service Commission 1884-date --- ---
CS 1.31: Official Register 1933-1959 C 3.10: ---
D 102.9: Army Register 1949-date M 108.8: ---
D 103.1: Annual Reports, Chief of Engineers 1949-date M 110.1: ---
D 113.1: Annual Reports, Governor of Panama Canal 1949-1950 M 115.1: PAC 1.1:
D 208.12: Navy Register 1949-date M 206.10: ---
D 303.7: Air Force Register 1951-date --- ---
DC 1.1: Annual Reports, Commissioners of the District of Columbia 1874-1973? --- ---
EB 1.1: Annual Reports, Efficiency Bureau 1916-1933 --- ---
EC 1.1: Annual Reports, Employees' Compensation Commission 1919-1946 --- FS 13.301:
FA 1.1: Annual Reports, Fine Arts Commission 1910-date --- ---
FC 1.1: Annual Reports, Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries 1872-1903 --- C 6.1:
FC 1.3: Bulletins of the U. S. Fisheries Commission 1881-1903 --- C 6.3:
FC 1.6: The Fisheries and Fishery Industries of the United States mono series --- ---
FCA 1.1: Annual Reports, Farm Credit Administration 1933-1939, 1953-date A 72.1: A 72.1:
FF 1.1: Annual Reports, Federal Farm Board 1929-1933 --- ---
FHL 1.1: Annual Reports, Federal Home Loan Bank Board 1955-1989 HH 4.1: ---
FL 2.1: Annual Reports, Federal Housing Administration 1939-1942 Y 3.F 31/3:11/ NHA 2.1:
FL 3.1: Annual Reports, Federal Home Loan Bank Board 1939-1942 Y 3.F 31/3:1/ NHA 3.1:
FMC 1.1: Annual Reports, Federal Maritime Commission 1961-date --- ---
FP 1.1: Annual Reports, Federal Power Commission 1921-1977 --- ---
FR 1.1: Annual Reports, Federal Reserve Board of Governors 1913-date --- ---
FS 2.1: Annual Reports, Public Health Service/Surgeon General 1939-1970 T 27.1: ---
FS 2.23: Hygienic Lab Bulletins 1939-end T 27.3: ---
FS 3.1: Annual Reports, Social Security Board/Administration 1939-1969 SS 1.1: HE 3.1:
FS 13.301: Annual Reports, Employees' Compensation Commission 1947-1950 EC 1.1: L 26.1:
FT 1.1: Annual Reports, Federal Trade Commission 1915-date --- ---
GA 1.1: Annual Reports, Comptroller General 1922-date --- ---
GP 1.1: Annual Reports, Public Printer 1853-date --- ---
GP 3.6: Document Catalogue v.1-28 --- ---
GP 3.7: Document Index 1895-1932 --- ---
HH 1.1: Annual Reports, Department of Housing and Urban Development 1965-date --- ---
HH 2.1: Annual Reports, Federal Housing Administration 1947-date NHA 2.1: ---
HH 4.1: Annual Reports, Federal Home Loan Bank Board 1947-1955 NHA 3.1: FHL 1.1:
I 1.1: Annual Reports, Secretary of the Interior 1849-date --- ---
I 1.25: Official Register 1861-1905 S 1.11: C 3.10:
I 1.51: Annual Reports, Commissioner of Public Buildings 1817-1853 --- part of I 1.1:
I 16.1/1: Annual Reports, Commissioner of Education 1868-1932 --- ---
I 16.8: Introduction of Domestic Reindeer 1890-1906 --- ---
I 17.5: Contributions to North American Ethnology 1874-1879 --- ---
I 19.1: Annual Reports, U. S. Geological Survey 1880-date --- ---
I 19.3: Bulletins of the U. S. Geological Survey nos.1-date --- ---
I 19.8: Mineral Resources of the United States 1882-1924 T 28.6: C 22.8:
I 19.9: Monographs of the U. S. Geological Survey nos.1-55 --- ---
I 19.13: Water Supply Papers nos.1-date --- ---
I 19.16: Professional Papers of the U. S. Geological Survey nos.1-date --- ---
I 19.17/1: Annual Reports, Bureau of Reclamation 1902-1906 --- I 27.1:
I 20.1: Annual Reports, Commissioner of Indian Affairs 1825-date --- ---
I 21.1: Annual Reports, Commissioner of the General Land Office 1825-date --- ---
I 23.1/1: Annual Reports, Commissioner of Patents 1837-1925 --- C 21.1/1:
I 23.10: Decisions, Commissioner of Patents 1869-1925 --- C 21.6:
I 24.1: Annual Reports, Pension Bureau 1849-1920 --- ---
I 27.1: Annual Reports, Bureau of Reclamation 1906-date I 19.17/1: ---
I 28.1: Annual Reports, Bureau of Mines 1911-1996 --- ---
I 28.37: Minerals Yearbook 1932-1996 C 22.8: I 19.165:
I 29.1: Annual Reports, National Park Service 1916-date --- ---
I 35.12/1: Annual Reports, Governor of Porto Rico 1935-1971 W 75.1: ---
IC 1.1: Annual Reports, Interstate Commerce Commission 1887-date --- ---

SuDocs Classes Found in the Serial Set - J through Y

J 1.1: Annual Reports, Attorney General of the United States 1870-date --- ---
J 1.5: Opinions of the Attorney General 1870-date? --- ---
J 19.1: Annual Reports, Alien Property Custodian 1934-1942 Y 3.Al 4:1/ Pr 32.5701:
J 22.1: Annual Reports, Alien Property Custodian 1946-1966 Pr 32.5701: ---
L 1.1: Annual Reports, Department of Labor 1914-date C 8.1: ---
L 1.42/2: Manpower Report of the President 1966-1976 --- ---
L 2.3: Bulletins, Bureau of Labor Statistics nos.112-end C 8.3: ---
L 26.1: Annual Reports, Employees' Compensation Commission 1951-1972 FS 13.301: ---
La 1.1: Annual Reports, Department of Labor 1885-1902 --- C 8.1:
La 1.3: Bulletins, Bureau of Labor nos.1-47 --- C 8.3:
LC 1.1: Annual Reports, Librarian of Congress 1866-date --- ---
M 108.8: Army Register 1947-1949 W 3.11: D 102.9:
M 110.1: Annual Reports, Chief of Engineers 1947-1949 W 7.1/1: D 103.1:
M 111.1: Annual Reports, Chief of Ordnance 1947-1949 W 34.1/1: D 105.1:
M 115.1: Annual Reports, Governor of Panama Canal 1947-1949 W 79.1: D 113.1:
M 201.1: Annual Reports, Department of the Navy 1947-1949 N 1.1: D 201.1:
M 206.10: Navy Register 1947-1949 N 1.10: D 208.12:
MC 1.1: Annual Reports, Maritime Commission/Administration 1936-1950 --- C 39.201:
N 1.1: Annual Reports, Department of the Navy 1823-1947 --- M 201.1:
N 1.10: Navy Register 1814-1947 --- M 206.10:
N 16.6: Naval War Records mono series --- ---
NA 1.1: Annual Reports, National Academy of Science 1863-date --- ---
NA 1.5: Memoirs of the National Academy of Science mono series --- ---
NAS 1.1: Semiannual Reports, National Aeronautics and Space Administration 1958-date --- ---
NHA 2.1: Annual Reports, Federal Housing Administration 1942-1947 FL 2.1: HH 2.1:
NHA 3.1: Annual Reports, Federal Home Loan Bank Board 1942-1947 FL 3.1: HH 4.1:
NMC 1.1: Reports, National Munitions Control Board 1935-1940 --- ---
NS 1.1: Annual Reports, National Science Foundation 1950-date --- ---
NS 1.21: Annual Reports on Weather Modification 1959-date? --- ---
P 1.1: Annual Reports, Postmaster of the United States 1823-date --- ---
PAC 1.1: Annual Reports, Governor of Panama Canal 1950-1971 D 113.1: ---
Pr 32.107: Budget of the U. S. Government 1939-1945 T 51.5: Pr 33.107:
Pr 32.5507: Reports to Congress on Lend-Lease Operations 1941-1943 --- Pr 32.5809:
Pr 32.5701: Annual Reports, Alien Property Custodian 1942-1946 J 19.1: J 22.1:
Pr 32.5809: Reports to Congress on Lend-Lease Operations 1943-1945 Pr 32.5507: S 1.43:
Pr 33.10: Economic Report of the President 1945-1952 --- Pr 34.10:
Pr 33.107: Budget of the U. S. Government 1945-1952 Pr 32.107: Pr 34.107:
Pr 34.10: Economic Report of the President 1953-1961 Pr 33.10: Pr 35.9:
Pr 34.107: Budget of the U. S. Government 1953-1961 Pr 33.107: PrEx 2.8:
Pr 35.9: Economic Report of the President 1961-1963 Pr 34.10: Pr 36.9:
Pr 36.9: Economic Report of the President 1963-1968 Pr 35.9: Pr 37.9:
Pr 37.9: Economic Report of the President 1969-1974 Pr 36.9: ---
PrEx 2.8: Budget of the U. S. Government 1961-date Pr 34.107: ---
PrEx 10.1: Annual Reports, Office of Economic Opportunity 1966-1975 --- ---
RR 1.1: Annual Reports, Railroad Retirement Board 1945-date --- ---
S 1.1: Foreign Relations of the United States 1818-date --- ---
S 1.11: Official Register 1816-1859 --- I 1.25:
S 1.43: Reports to Congress on Lend-Lease Operations 1945-end Pr 32.5809: ---
S 1.70: U. S. Participation in the United Nations 1958-1973 S 1.70/3: S 1.70/8:
S 1.70/3: U. S. Participation in the United Nations 1946-1957 --- S 1.70:
S 4.1: Commercial Relations of the United States 1855-1902 --- C 10.8:
S 4.7: Consular Reports (Monthly) 1855-1903 --- C 14.8:
S 4.9: Special Consular Reports v.1-26 --- C 14.10:
SB 1.1: Annual Reports, Shipping Board 1916-1933 --- C 27.1:
SE 1.1: Annual Reports, Securities and Exchange Commission 1935-date --- ---
SI 1.1: Annual Reports, Smithsonian Institution 1846-date --- ---
SI 2.1: Annual Reports, Bureau of (American) Ethnology 1880-date? --- ---
SI 2.3: Bulletins, Bureau of (American) Ethnology nos.1-date --- ---
SI 3.1: Annual Reports, National Museum 1884-date --- ---
SI 4.1: Annual Reports, American Historical Association 1889-date --- ---
SS 1.1: Annual Reports, Social Security Board/Administration 1935-1939 --- FS 3.1:
T 1.1: Annual Reports, Secretary of the Treasury 1817-date --- ---
T 11.1: Annual Reports, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey 1816-1817, 1836-1903 --- C 4.1:
T 12.1: Annual Reports, Comptroller of Currency 1865-date --- ---
T 17.11/2: List of Merchant Vessels 1942-date C 25.11: ---
T 22.1: Annual Reports, Commissioner of Internal Revenue 1863-date --- ---
T 27.1: Annual Reports, Public Health Service/Surgeon General 1912-1939 --- FS 2.1:
T 27.3: Hygienic Lab Bulletins 1887-1939 --- FS 2.23:
T 28.1: Annual Reports, Bureau of the Mint 1819-date? --- ---
T 28.6: Mineral Resources of the United States 1867-1876 --- I 19.8:
T 28.7: Reports on the Production of Precious Metals 1880-1915 --- ---
T 30.1: Annual Reports, Navigation Bureau 1884-1902 --- C 11.1:
T 30.5: List of Merchant Vessels 1884-1902 T 37.11: C 11.5:
T 37.1: Foreign Commerce and Navigation 1821-1903 --- C 14.1:
T 37.8: Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance 1866-1903 --- C 14.14:
T 37.10: Statistical Abstract 1879-1902 --- C 14.16:
T 37.11: List of Merchant Vessels 1867-1883 --- T 30.5:
T 48.1: Annual Reports, Federal Farm Loan Board 1917-1932 --- ---
T 51.5: Budget of the U. S. Government 1921-1939 --- Pr 32.107:
TC 1.1: Annual Reports, U. S. Tariff Commission 1917-1981 --- ---
TD 1.1: Annual Reports, Secretary of Transportation 1967-date --- ---
TD 6.1: Annual Reports, St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation 1966-date Y 3.Sa 2:1/ ---
TD 11.1: Annual Reports, Maritime Commission/Administration 1981-date C 39.201: ---
VA 1.1: Annual Reports, Veterans Administration 1931-date --- ---
VA 3.1: Annual Reports, Veterans Bureau 1930 VB 1.1: VA 1.1:
VB 1.1: Annual Reports, Veterans Bureau 1922-1930 --- VA 3.1:
VE 1.1: Annual Reports, Federal Board of Vocational Education 1917-1932 --- ---
W 1.1: Annual Reports, Secretary of War 1823-1947 --- ---
W 3.11: Army Register 1813-1947 --- M 108.8:
W 7.1/1: Annual Reports, Chief of Engineers 1822-1947 --- M 110.1:
W 34.1/1: Annual Reports, Chief of Ordnance 1873-1947 --- M 111.1:
W 35.1: Annual Reports, Ordnance and Fortification Board 1891-1920 --- ---
W 42.1: Annual Reports, Chief Signal Officer 1875-1920 --- ---
W 45.5: War of Rebellion, Compilation of Official Records mono series --- ---
W 49.1: Annual Reports, Philippine Commission 1900-1935 --- ---
W 75.1: Annual Reports, Governor of Porto Rico 1909-1934 --- I 35.12/1:
W 79.1: Annual Reports, Governor of Panama Canal 1912-1946 --- M 115.1:
W 105.1: Reports, U. S. High Commissioner to the Philippines 1935-1947 --- ---
W 106.1: Annual Reports, President of the Philippine Islands 1936-1940 --- ---
Y 3.Ad 9/7:1 Reports, U. S. Advisory Commission on Information 1948-1968 --- ---
Y 3.Al 4:1 Annual Reports, Alien Property Custodian 1917-1934 --- J 19.1:
Y 3.At 7:1 Annual Reports, Atomic Energy Commission 1946-1974 --- ---
Y 3.Ec 74/3:8 Reports to Congress on Economic Cooperation Administration 1948-1951 --- ---
Y 3.Eq 2:1 Annual Reports, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 1966-date --- ---
Y 3.F 31/3:1 Annual Reports, Federal Home Loan Bank Board 1932-1939 --- FL 3.1:
Y 3.F 31/11:1 Annual Reports, Federal Housing Administration 1934-1939 --- FL 2.1:
Y 3.M 58:1 Annual Reports, Migratory Bird Commission 1930-date? --- ---
Y 3.N 21/5:1 Annual Reports, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics 1916-1958 --- NAS 1.1:
Y 3.N 21/6:1 Annual Reports, National Forest Reservation Commission 1912-1976 --- ---
Y 3.P 96/4:1 Annual Reports, Public Buildings Commission 1924-1933 --- ---
Y 3.R 13/2:1 Annual Reports, Railroad Administration 1918-1939 --- ---
Y 3.Sa 2:1 Annual Reports, St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation 1955-1966 --- TD 6.1:
Y 3.T 25:1 Annual Reports, Tennessee Valley Administration 1934-date --- ---
Y 3.W 19/3:1 Annual Reports, War Finance Corporation 1918-1939 --- ---