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NGR 5800 - Theory for Advanced Practice Nursing: Conclusion


This module has described a variety of tools for accessing and making use of UCF’s library resources. Explanations have been provided for obtaining a library card, remotely accessing the UCF library system, utilizing search strategies, finding information in the library catalog, taking advantage of your interlibrary loan privileges, and locating information in specific databases appropriate to this course, including NetLibrary. For your convenience, information on getting more help is provided below.

In addition to contacting the UCF librarian assigned to your class, there are various resources available to UCF distance learning students needing assistance when using library resources.

Ask Us , will help with:

  • off-campus access to the library's databases and online catalog
  • inquiries about library services
  • assistance with subject-related research
  • reference help via chat and instant messenger (IM) during participating hours

You may reach the UCF Ask-A-Librarian service,  from the UCF Libraries homepage, or by telephone at (407) 823-2562 or 1-866-271-7589 (toll-free).

Other services available for Distance Learners can be found at . In addition, if you live in the Central Florida region, you can visit any of our campus libraries to get help: