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NASA -- ASERL Center of Excellence

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U.S. Congressional Serial Set Resources

Agency Series Found in the Serial Set

The College of Wooster provides several online lists to help identify agency publications such as annual reports which were included in the Serial Set.

  • Agency Series by Agency Name
  • Arranged by SuDocs Call Number
  • Arranged by Serial Set Volume Numbers

NAS 1.1: Semiannual Report of NASA (1958-1968)

The U.S. Congressional Serial Set contains the following volumes of the Semiannual Reports of the National Aeronautics & Space Administration:

Y 3.N 21/5:1/ Annual Reports of NACA (1916-1958)

Most of the reports can also be found in the NASA Technical Reports Server using the advanced search form with the report number, e.g, "NACA-AR-5". The U.S. Congressional Serial Set contains the following volumes of the Semiannual Reports of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics: