Item Numbers -- used to identify selections for distribution through the Federal Depository Library Program
SUDOC stems | Publications | Item Number |
NAS 1.1: | Semiannual reports (1- , 1959- ) | 0830-A |
NAS 1.1: | Indexes. October 1958-December 1969. Discontinued | |
NAS 1.1/2: | Major activities in programs of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Semiannual) | |
NAS 1.1/3: | Year in review at Goddard Space Flight Center (annual) Discontinued | 0830-R |
NAS 1.1/4: | Spinoff (annual) (EL) | 0830-A-01 |
NAS 1.1/5: | Annual report to the administrator, the Office of Exploration (annual) (MF) | 0830-A-01 |
NAS 1.1/6: | Highlights of Earth Science and Applications Division. (MF) Ceased | 0830-A-01 |
NAS 1.1/7: | ASAP (Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel) (Quarterly) (EL) | 0830-C-08 |
NAS 1.1/8: | Annual report, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (EL) | 0830-C-18 |
NAS 1.1/9: | Annual report, NASA Physical Sciences Research Division (EL) | 0831-C-19 |
NAS 1.1/10: | Agency financial report (annual) formerly Performance & Accountability Report (EL) | 0830-C-26 |
NAS 1.1/11: | Annual Freedom of Information Act report, NASA (EL) | 0830-C-38 |
NAS 1.1/12: | NASA Engineering & Safety Center (NESC) Technical Update (annual) (EL) | 0830-C-41 |
NAS 1.2: | General publications | 0830-C |
NAS 1.2/2: | Laboratory for Atmospheres: Philosophy, Organization, Major Activities and...Highlights (annual) (EL) | 0830-C-16 |
NAS 1.5: | Laws | 0830-W |
NAS 1.6: | Regulations, rules, instructions (Irregular) | 0830-A-05 |
NAS 1.6/2: | NASA Procurement Regulation (NHB 5100.2) - see GS 1.6/10 | 0830-N |
NAS 1.6/2-2: | Procurement notices (series) - see GS 1.6/10 | 0830-N |
NAS 1.6/3: | NASA Procurement Regulation Directive (Irregular) - see GS 1.6/10 | 0830-N |
NAS 1.7: | Press releases (Irregular) | |
NAS 1.7/2: | Langley Research Center, Langley Field, Va. releases | |
NAS 1.7/3: | Aeronautics Update, 1972- (Irregular) | |
NAS 1.8: | Dictionaries, glossaries, etc. Discontinued | 0830-B |
NAS 1.8:Ae 8 | Aeronautical Dictionary. 1959 | 0830-B |
NAS 1.9: | Publication Announcements. (1- , 1958- ) | |
NAS 1.9/2: | Bibliographies and lists of publications | 0830-J |
NAS 1.9/2:Sp 1/957-977 | Bibliography of Space Books and Articles from Non-Aerospace Journals. 1979 | 0830-J |
NAS 1.9/3: | Technical publications announcements with indexes. Superseded by NAS 1.9/4 | |
NAS 1.9/4: | STAR Scientific & Technical Aerospace Reports (biweekly) Discontinued 2011 (EL) | 0830-K-03 |
NAS 1.9/5: | Cumulative indexes (annual) Discontinued | 0830-K |
NAS 1.9/6: | Guide to subject indexes for Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (1- , 1964) | |
NAS 1.10: | Memorandums (Irregular) | |
NAS 1.11: | Addresses (Irregular) | |
NAS 1.12: | Technical Reports, R- (series), R1- , 1959- (Irregular) - see also the Reports series published by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Y 3.N 21/5:5/ . Superseded by Technical Papers (NAS 1.60:) | 0830-D |
NAS 1.12/2: | NASA Technical Reports (bound volumes) | |
NAS 1.12/2-2 | NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) (EL) | 0830-H-26 |
NAS 1.12//3: | Jet Propulsion Laboratory: Technical Reports | |
NAS 1.12/4: | Jet Propulsion Laboratory, JPL/HR- (series) Discontinued (MF) | 0830-H-03 |
NAS 1.12/6: | JPL-SP (series) (irregular) Discontinued (MF) | 0830-H-03 |
NAS 1.12/7: | Jet Propulsion Laboratory publications (numbered) | 0830-H-09 |
NAS 1.12/7:410-33 | SATCOM Quarterly. Discontinued | 0830-H-09 |
NAS 1.12/7-2: | Telephone directory, Jet Propulsion Laboratory | |
NAS 1.12/8: | Mission Status Bulletins (irregular) Discontinued (MF) | 0830-Y |
NAS 1.12/9: | JPL Facts. Discontinued | 0830-H-22 |
NAS 1.12/10: | Welcome to the Planets (EL) | 0830-H-25 |
NAS 1.13: | NASA republications. Replaced by NAS 1.13/2 | |
NAS 1.13/2: | Technical Translations, TT- (series), F 1- (irregular) | |
NAS 1.14: | Technical Notes, TN- (series), D 1- (irregular) (MF) | 0830-H-13 |
NAS 1.15: | Technical Memorandums, TM- (series), X 1- (irregular) (EL) | 0830-D |
NAS 1.15/2: | Bibliography of Lewis Research Center Technical Publications Announced in (year) (annual) | 0830-J |
NAS 1.15/3: | FY __ Scientific and Technical Reports, Articles, Papers, and Presentations (annual) (EL) | 0830-D-01 |
NAS 1.15/4: | SEAWIFS Postlaunch Technical Report Series (bimonthly) Discontinued (EL) | 0830-D-02 |
NAS 1.15/5: | Science Directorate Publications and Presentations, January 1-December 31, __ (EL) | 0830-D-03 |
NAS 1.15/6: | NASA's Hall Thruster Program (EL) | 0830-D-04 |
NAS 1.15/7: | Research & Technology (EL) | 0830-D-05 |
NAS 1.15/8: | Research Engineering Annual Report (EL) | 0830-D-06 |
NAS 1.15/9: | Atmospheric Research Technical Highlights (annual) (EL) | 0830-D-08 |
NAS 1.16: | International Satellite & Space Probe Summary (and charts) (irregular) | |
NAS 1.17: | NASA-Industry Program Plans Conference. Discontinued | 0830-E |
NAS 1.18: | Handbooks, manuals, guides | 0830-F |
NAS 1.18/2: | Index to Management Issuances. Discontinued (MF) | 0830-F |
NAS 1.18/3: | Petitions for Patent Waiver, 1966- (irregular) (MF) | 0830-F |
NAS 1.19: | NASA EP (series) (irregular) Office of Educational Programs & Services. Discontinued 2019 | 0830-G |
NAS 1.19/2: | NASA Aeronautics Research & Technology Annual Report (annual) | 0830-G-01 |
NAS 1.19/3: | Educational Briefs for the Middle & Secondary Level Classroom (irregular) | 0830-H-20 |
NAS 1.19/4: | EG (series) (EL) | 0830-G-02 |
NAS 1.19/5: | Educational topics (EL) | 0830-G-03 |
NAS 1.19/6: | Educational wallsheets (EL) | 0830-G-04 |
NAS 1.19/7: | Educational slide sets (EL) Discontinued 2016 | 0830-G-05 |
NAS 1.19/8: | Educational videotapes (EL) Discontinued 2016 | 0830-G-06 |
SUDOC stems | Publications | Item Number |
NAS 1.20: | NASA Facts (EL) | 0830-H |
NAS 1.20/2: | Lightning and the Space Program (irregular) (EL) | 0830-H-24 |
NAS 1.21: | NASA SP (series) (P) (EL) | 0830-I |
NAS 1.21:7011 | Aerospace Medicine & Biology, a continuing bibliography with indexes (monthly) Discontinued | 0830-J-01 |
NAS 1.21:7030 | NASA Thesaurus. Vol. 1, Hierarchical Listing; Vol. 2, Access Vocabulary; Vol. 3, __ | 0830-J-07 |
NAS 1.21:7037 | Aeronautical Engineering, a continuing bibliography with indexes (monthly) Discontinued | 0830-J-02 |
NAS 1.21:7038 | Significant NASA Inventions Available for Licensing in Foreign Countries. Discontinued (MF) | 0830-J-11 |
NAS 1.21:7039 | NASA Patent Abstracts Bibliography (semiannual) | 0830-J-03 |
NAS 1.21:7041 | Earth Resources, a continuing bibliography with indexes (quarterly) Discontinued 1989 | 0830-J-04 |
NAS 1.21:7046 | Technology for Large Space Systems, a bibliography with indexes (semiannual) - see NAS 1.21:7085 | 0830-J-09 |
NAS 1.21:7048 | Data Bases & Data Base Systems, a bibliography with indexes (irregular) Discontinued | 0830-J-08 |
NAS 1.21:7063 | NASA Scientific & Technical Publications (MF) | 0830-J-12 |
NAS 1.21:7064 | NASA Thesaurus Supplement | 0830-J-13 |
NAS 1.21:7085 | Large Space Structures & Systems in the Space Station Era, a bibliography with indexes (semiannual) Merges NASA SP-7046 and NASA SP-7056. Discontinued |
0830-J-09 |
NAS 1.21:7500 | Management, a continuing bibliography with indexes (annual) Discontinued | 0830-J-06 |
NAS 1.21/2: | NASA Video Catalog (EL) | 0830-I-02 |
NAS 1.21/2-2: | NASA Image & Video Library (EL) | 0830-I-10 |
NAS 1.21/3: | NASA Thesaurus: Vol. 1, Hierarchical Listing; Vol. 2, Access Vocabulary (irregular) (EL) | 0830-J-07 |
NAS 1.21/4: | Astronautics & Aeronautics Chronology (annual) (EL) | 0830-I-05 |
NAS 1.22: | Quality Publications, NPC 200 (series), 1- , 1962- (irregular) | 0830-M |
NAS 1.22:343 | Rings of Saturn | 0830-M |
NAS 1.22/2: | Reliability Publications, NPC 250 (series), 1- , 1963- (irregular) | 0830-M |
NAS 1.22/3: | Reliability & Quality Assurance Publications, NHB- (series) (irregular) Discontinued (MF) | 0830-M |
NAS 1.23: | Aerospace Leaflets, AL- (series) (irregular) Discontinued | 0830-L |
NAS 1.24: | NASA Headquarters Telephone Directory (semiannual) (EL) | 0830-L-01 |
NAS 1.24/2: | Telephone Directory, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD (semiannual) | |
NAS 1.24/3: | KSC (Kennedy Space Center) Telephone Directory (semiannual) (MF) | 0830-L-01 |
NAS 1.24/4 | NASA STI Directory | 0830-Z-07 |
NAS 1.24/5: | NASA Space Grant Contact Data (EL) | 0830-H-14 |
NAS 1.24/6: | IGS Directory (EL) | 0830-L-03 |
NAS 1.26: | NASA Contractor Reports (numbered) (EL) | 0830-H-14 |
NAS 1.27: | Technical Reprints, RP- (series) (irregular) | |
NAS 1.28: | Goddard Space Flight Center, Technical Abstracts | |
NAS 1.28/2: | George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Quarterly Abstacts | |
NAS 1.29: | NASA Tech Briefs (irregular) | |
NAS 1.29/2: | AEC-NASA Tech Briefs, 1966- (irregular) | |
NAS 1.29/3: | NASA Tech Briefs, v. 1- , 1976- (quarterly) Discontinued | 0830-L-02 |
NAS 1.29/3-2: | NASA Tech Briefs (monthly) (EL) | 0830-L-02 |
NAS 1.30: | NASA Annual Procurement Report (EL) | 0830-A-10 |
NAS 1.31: | NASA Historical Reports | |
NAS 1.32: | Speaking of Space & Aeronautics, v. 1- , 1965- (irregular) | |
NAS 1.33: | Space Science & Applications Program (annual) Discontinued | 0830-P |
NAS 1.34: | Publications of Goddard Space Flight Center, 1959-62, v. 1- , 1966- Discontinued v. 1. Space Sciences, 1966; v. 2, Space Technology, 1967 |
0830-Q |
NAS 1.35: | Reliability Abstracts & Technical Reviews, v. 1- (monthly) | |
NAS 1.36: | NASA Bits (Brief Ideas, Thoughts, Suggestions), 1967- (semiannual) Discontinued | 0830-S |
NAS 1.37: | National Space Science Data Center, NS-SDC- (series) Discontinued 2011 (MF) (EL) earlier title: Data Catalog, Satellite & Rocket Experiments, SSDA- |
0830-T |
NAS 1.37/2: | National Space Science Data Center, Newsletter (bimonthly) (EL) | 0830-Z-01 |
NAS 1.37/3: | Spacewarn Bulletin (monthly) (EL) | 0830-Z-05 |
NAS 1.37/4: | Annual Statistics & Highlights Report for the National Space Science Data Center (EL) | 0830-Z-06 |
NAS 1.38: | C (series) (irregular) | |
NAS 1.39 | Plans Office Technical Reports (Goddard Space Center) |
SUDOC stems | Publications | Item Number |
NAS 1.40: | Satellite Situation Report, v. 1- (quarterly) Discontinued (MF) | 0830-A-07 |
NAS 1.41: | Research & Technology Program Digest, FLASH Index (annual) Discontinued | 0830-U |
NAS 1.42: | NASA's University Program, Quarterly Report of Active Grants & Research Contracts (annual, FY 1973-) Discontinued | 0830-V |
NAS 1.42/2: | Graduate Student Researchers Program (annual) (EL) | 0830-A-06 |
NAS 1.42/3: | NASA Academy (EL) | 0830-A-09 |
NAS 1.43: | Posters and pictures (irregular) | 0830-H-06 |
NAS 1.43/2: | NASA Picture Sets, 1- , 1969- | |
NAS 1.43/3: | Lunar Charts. Earlier D 301.49/4 | |
NAS 1.43/4: | Space Photography Index (annual) Discontinued | 0830-H-02 |
NAS 1.43/5: | Viking Pictures of Mars Series | 0830-H-06 |
NAS 1.43/6: | Lithos (series) (irregular) | 0830-H-06 |
NAS 1.43/7: | Audiovisual materlals (irregular) | |
NAS 1.43/8: | Visible Earth: a catalog of NASA images & animations of our home planet (EL) | 0830-H-27 |
NAS 1.44: | Computer Program Abstracts, v. 1- , 1969- (quarterly) Discontinued v. 12/4 | 0830-X |
NAS 1.44/2: | Computer Program Abstracts, Cumulative Issues. Discontinued | 0830-X |
NAS 1.45: | Mission Reports, MR 1- , 1968- (irregular) Discontinued | 0830-Y |
NAS 1.46: | NASA Activities, v. 1- , 1970- (monthly) Discontinued | 0830-H-01 |
NAS 1.47: | Annual Earth Resources Program Review. Earth Resources Technology Satellite Standard Catalog. Discontinued | 0830-Z |
NAS 1.48: | LANDSAT: U.S. Standard Catalog (monthly) Discontinued | 0830-H-07 |
NAS 1.48/2: | LANDSAT: Non-U.S. Standard Catalog. (monthly) Discontinued | 0830-H-07 |
NAS 1.48/3: | LANDSAT 2: World Standard Catalog (monthly) (MF) | 0830-H-07 |
NAS 1.48/4: | LANDSAT 3: World Standard Catalog (monthly) (MF) | 0830-H-07 |
NAS 1.49: | NASA Report to Educators, v. 1- , 1973- (4 times a year) Discontinued | 0830-H-04 |
NAS 1.49/2: | Educational Horizons (3 times a year) Discontinued in 1997 | 0830-H-04 |
NAS 1.50: | Maps | |
NAS 1.51: | Space Science & Technology Today (series) | |
NAS 1.52: | Aeronautics & Space Report of the President Annual Activities (EL) earlier PrEx 5.9 (P) (EL) | 0856-D |
NAS 1.53: | Announcement of Opportunities for Participation in (various projects), AO- (series) (EL) | 0830-H-05 |
NAS 1.53/2: | Space Science Notices. Discontinued | 0830-H-05 |
NAS 1.53/3: | Research Announcement (EL) | 0830-H-05 |
NAS 1.54: | Manned Space Flight Resources Summary, Budget Estimates (annual) | |
NAS 1.55: | Conference Publications, NASA CP- (series) (irregular) (EL) | 0830-H-10 |
NAS 1.56: | New Product Ideas, Process Improvements, & Cost-Saving Techniques, Relating to (various subjects), NASA/SBA FA- (series), 1- (irregular) Discontinued | 0830-H-08 |
NAS 1.57: | NASA Mishap and Injury Data (annual) - title varies: Report of Accident/Injury Statistics & Mishap Recapitulation; Accident & Injury Data | |
NAS 1.58: | Report to the Administrator by the NASA Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel (annual) | |
NAS 1.59: | Environmental Impact Statements (irregular) (EL) | 0830-H-17 |
SUDOC stems | Publications | Item Number |
NAS 1.60: | NASA Technical Papers (numbered) (EL) - supersedes Technical Notes NAS 1.14 and Technical Reports NAS 1.12 |
0830-H-15 |
NAS 1.60/2: | International VLBI Service for Geodesy & Astrometry, Biennial Report (EL) | 0830-H-28 |
NAS 1.61: | Reference Publications, RP- (series) (irregular) Discontinued (MF) | 0830-H-11 |
NAS 1.62: | Life Sciences Status Reports, 1- (irregular) Discontinued | 0830-H-18 |
NAS 1.62/2: | Life Sciences Accomplishments (annual) Discontinued 1994 - earlier NAS 1.15 | 0830-C-05 |
NAS 1.62/3: | Life Sciences Report (annual) Discontinued | 0830-C-05 |
NAS 1.62/4: | Life Sciences Data Archive (EL) | 0830-C-28 |
NAS 1.63: | Upper Atmospheric Programs Bulletin (bimonthly) Discontinued | 0830-K-02 |
NAS 1.64: | Earth Resources Satellite Data Applications Series (irregular) (MF) Discontinued | 0830-K-01 |
NAS 1.65: | Research & Technology, Annual Report of the Ames Research Center (MF) | 0830-A-02 |
NAS 1.65/2: | Goddard Space Flight Center, Annual Report (EL) | 0830-A-02 |
NAS 1.65/2-2: | R&D Achievements (irregular) (EL) | 0830-A-12 |
NAS 1.65/3: | Langley Research Highlights (MF) - formerly Research & Technology, Annual Report of the Langley Research Center, NAS 1.15 |
0830-A-08 |
NAS 1.65/4: | Annual Report, Goddard Earth Sciences & Technology Center (EL) | 0830-A-13 |
NAS 1.65/5: | Goddard's Astrophysics Science Division Annual Report (EL) | 0830-A-14 |
NAS 1.66: | Space Benefits: Secondary Applications of Aerospace Technology in Other Sectors of the Economy (annual) Discontinued (MF) | 0830-L-53 |
NAS 1.67: | Lunar & Planetary Institute Technical Reports (irregular) | |
NAS 1.68: | Airborne Instrumentation Research Project Summary Catalog. Discontinued (MF) | 0830-H-19 |
NAS 1.69: | NASA Educational Briefs for the Classroom (series) (irregular) (EL) | 0830-H-20 |
NAS 1.70: | Renewable Resources Remote Sensing Research Program Report (annual) (MF) Discontinued | 0830-A-04 |
NAS 1.71: | NASA Patents (MF) Discontinued | 0830-J-10 |
NAS 1.72: | International Halley Watch Newsletter (irregular) (MF) | 0830-C-02 |
NAS 1.73: | Health Bulletins (series) (irregular) Discontinued | 0830-C-01 |
NAS 1.74: | Public Mail Series, PMS- (series) (irregular) Discontinued | 0830-C-03 |
NAS 1.75: | Pamphlets (series) (irregular) Discontinued | 0830-C-04 |
NAS 1.76: | STI Bulletin (monthly) - earlier title: STI-Recon Bulletin & Tech Info News (EL) | 0830-Z-01 |
NAS 1.77: | Technical Translations. Discontinued (MF) | 0830-H-21 |
NAS 1.78: | NASA Excellence Award for Quality & Productivity (annual) Discontinued | 0830-C-06 |
NAS 1.79: | Key Dates (annual) Discontinued | 0830-C-07 |
SUDOC stems | Publications | Item Number |
NAS 1.80: | Space Microelectronics (semiannual) (MF) Discontinued 1997 | 0830-H-23 |
NAS 1.81: | Payload Flight Assignments NASA Mixed Fleet (quarterly) Discontinued | 0830-A-07 |
NAS 1.82: | NASA STD (series) (EL) | 0830-I-06 |
NAS 1.83: | NASA NP (series) (P) (EL) | 0830-I-07 |
NAS 1.83/2: | The Laboratory for Terrestrial Physics Annual Report (EL) | 0830-I-01 |
NAS 1.83/3: | ASK (Academy Sharing Knowledge) (EL) | 0830-I-03 |
NAS 1.83/4: | Hubble Science Year in Review (annual) (P) | 0830-I-04 |
NAS 1.83/5: | A Researchers Guide to International Space Station (irregular) (P) (EL) | 0830-I-09 |
NAS 1.84: | NASA PED (series) (irregular) | 0830-I-08 |
NAS 1.85: | NASA Budget Estimates (annual) (EL) | 0830-A-15 |
NAS 1.86: | Electronic Products (Misc.) (irregular) (E) | 0830-Z-01 |
NAS 1.86/2: | Magellan Full-Resolution Radar Mosaics (CD) | 0830-Z-02 |
NAS 1.86/3: | International Solar-Terrestrial Physics Program (CD) (EL) Discontinued 2011 | 0830-Z-03 |
NAS 1.87: | NASA Magazine (quarterly) Ceased 1994 (MF) | 0830-C-02 |
NAS 1.89: | Callback from NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System (EL) | 0830-C-05 |
NAS 1.90: | NASA Information Summaries. Discontinued | 0830-C-07 |
NAS 1.90/2: | Science Information Systems Newsletter (EL) | 0830-C-10 |
NAS 1.90/3: | Astronaut Fact Book (irregular) (EL) | 0830-C-15 |
NAS 1.91: | Discovery, the newsletter of the Solar System Exploration Division (Discontinued) | 0830-C-06 |
NAS 1.91/2: | Voyages in Education and Public Outreach (3 issues yearly) (EL) | 0830-C-20 |
NAS 1.92: | Space Research (quarterly) (EL) | 0830-C-09 |
NAS 1.93: | ACTS Quarterly, Lewis Research Center (Advanced Communications Technology Satellite) Discontinued | 0830-C-11 |
NAS 1.94: | Insights, High Performance Computer & Communications (quarterly) (EL) | 0830-C-12 |
NAS 1.95: | Technology Innovation (EL) | 0830-Z-08 |
NAS 1.96: | NASA History: News & Notes (quarterly) (EL) | 0830-Z-04 |
NAS 1.97: | Gridpoints (quarterly) (EL) | 0830-C-13 |
NAS 1.97/2: | Newsletter, Space Telescope Science Institute (quarterly) (EL) | 0830-C-19 |
NAS 1.97/3: | Astrogram (monthly) (EL) | 0830-C-24 |
NAS 1.98: | Interplanetary Network Progress Report (EL) | 0830-C-14 |
NAS 1.99: | Laboratory for Atmospheres: Philosophy, Organization, Major Activities, & Highlights (annual) (EL) | 0830-C-16 |
NAS 1.100: | Ephemera (P) (EL) | 0830-C-21 |
NAS 1.101: | Galileo, Journey to Jupiter (irregular) (EL) | 0830-C-22 |
NAS 1.102: | Space Nutrition (EL) | 0830-C-23 |
NAS 1.102/2: | Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter (semiannual) (EL) | 0830-C-25 |
NAS 1.103: | Sun-Earth Day (EL) | 0830-C-27 |
NAS 1.104: | Goddard View (biweekly) (EL) | 0830-C-29 |
NAS 1.105: | Mars Journal (annual) (EL) | 0830-C-30 |
NAS 1.106: | Accomplishments, Innovative Partnerships Program Office (annual) (EL) | 0830-C-31 |
NAS 1.107: | Goddard Tech Transfer News (quarterly) (EL) | 0830-C-32 |
NAS 1.108: | Annual Report, NASA Earth-Sun System Technology Office (EL) | 0830-C-33 |
NAS 1.109: | Annual Report, NASA IV & V Independent Verification & Validation Program (EL) | 0830-C-34 |
NAS 1.110: | Annual Report, NASA Astrobiology Institute (EL) | 0830-C-35 |
NAS 1.111: | Annual Report, John F. Kennedy Space Center ((EL) | 0830-C-36 |
NAS 1.111/2: | Tech Transfer, NASA KSC (EL) | 0830-C-37 |
NAS 1.112: | Flight Simulation Year in Review (annual) (EL) | 0830-C-39 |
NAS 1.113: | Astrobiology Magazine (EL) | 0830-C-40 |
NAS 1.113/2: | Astrobiology: the story of our search for life in the universe (series) (EL) | 0830-C-48 |
NAS 1.114: | Office of Inspector General Audit Reports (series) (EL) | 0830-A-11 |
NAS 1.115: | Earth Observer (bimonthly) (EL) | 0830-C-42 |
NAS 1.116: | NASA's Return on Investment Report (bimonthly) (EL) | 0830-C-43 |
NAS 1.117: | ScienceCasts (irregular) (EL) | 0830-C-44 |
NAS 1.118: | Ebook (EL) | 0830-C-45 |
NAS 1.119: | Biennial Research & Technology Development Report (EL) | 0830-D-07 |
NAS 1.120: | NASA Aeronautics Book Series (EL) | 0830-C-46 |
SUDOC stems | Publications | Item Number |
Y 3.N 21/5:1/ | Annual reports | |
Y 3.N 21/5:2 | General publications | 1069 |
Y 3.N 21/5:3 | Bulletins | |
Y 3.N 21/5:4 | Circulars | |
Y 3.N 21/5:5/ | Reports (technical: numbered) | 1070 |
Y 3.N 21/5:6/ | Technical notes | |
Y 3.N 21/5:7/ | Bibliography of aeronautics | |
Y 3.N 21/5:8/ | Technical memorandums | |
Y 3.N 21/5:9/ | Aircraft circulars | |
Y 3.N 21/5:10/ | Miscellaneous papers | |
Y 3.N 21/5:11/ | Wartime reports | |
Y 3.N 21/5:12/ | Wartime report release lists (monthly) | |
Y 3.N 21/5:13/ | (list of technical notes and technical memorandums) (monthly) | |
Y 3.N 21/5:14/ | Research abstracts | |
Y 3.N 21/5:15/ | Research memorandum, RM (series) | |
Y 3.N 21/5:16 | AGARD publications (NATO Advisory Group for Aerospace Research & Development) | |
Y 3.N 21/5:17/ | Index of NACA technical publications (annual) Earlier Y 3.N 21/5-2 T22 |