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LDR 3905 - Global Leadership

APA Style

Two Parts of APA Citation: In-Text Citations & Reference List

Citation is a two-part process that includes both in-text citations and a reference list. Each in-text citation must be on your reference list and vice versa. Any source material that is not your own or is not common knowledge must be cited.

For examples of in-text citations, see

For examples of reference entries, see

Always double check citations created through citation generators because they are not always accurate; this includes citations included in the library catalog and databases.

Sample APA Reference List Entries

Journal article with DOI

Ball, T. M., Shapiro, D. E., Monheim, C. J., & Weydert, J. A. (2003). A pilot study of the use of guided imagery for the treatment of recurrent abdominal pain in children. Clinical Pediatrics, 42(6), 527–532.

Journal article without a DOI and not from a database

Ahmann, E., Tuttle, L. J., Saviet, M., & Wright, S. D. (2018). A descriptive review of ADHD coaching research. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 31(1), 17-39.

TED Talk

Cuddy, A. (2012, June). Your body language may shape who you are [Video]. TED Conferences.

YouTube Video

Harvard University. (2019, August 28). Soft robotic gripper for jellyfish [Video]. YouTube.

Magazine article

Bustillos, M. (2013, March 19). On video games and storytelling: An interview with Tom Bissell. The New Yorker

Book with no DOI

Jacobson, E. (1938). Progressive relaxation (2nd ed.). University of Chicago Press.

Book with DOI

Brown, L. S. (2018). Feminist therapy (2nd ed.). American Psychological Association.

Chapter in an edited book without a DOI

Weinstock, R., Leon, G. B., & Silva, J. A. (2003). Defining forensic psychiatry: Roles and responsibilities. In R. Rosner (Ed.), Principles and practice of forensic psychiatry (2nd ed., pp. 7-13). CRC Press.

Webpage on a website with an individual author

Martin Lillie, C. M. (2016, December 29). Be kind to yourself: How self-compassion can improve your resiliency. Mayo Clinic.

Webpage on a website with a group author

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018, January 23). People at high risk of developing flu-related compilations