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Education - Journals

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Key Journals for Communication Science & Disorders

  • American Annals of the Deaf
  • American Family Physician
  • American Journal of Audiology
  • American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology
  • Applied Developmental Science
  • Applied Neuropsychology
  • Aphasiology
  • Archives of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
  • Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
  • ASHA
  • Audiological Medicine
  • Audiology & Neuro-Otology
  • Augmentative & Alternative Communication
  • Auris, Nasus, Larynx
  • Autism
  • Behavior Genetics
  • Behavioral & Cognitive Neuroscience Reviews
  • BI (Brain Injury)
  • Biological Psychology
  • Brain: A Journal of Neurology
  • Brain & Development
  • Brain & Language
  • Brain Research
  • Child Development
  • Child Language Teaching & Therapy
  • Child Psychiatry & Human Development
  • Cleft-Palate Craniofacial Journal
  • Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics
  • Clinical Neuropsychology
  • Clinical Otolaryngology
  • Clinics in Communication Disorders
  • Cognition
  • Cognitive Brain Research
  • Communication Disorders Quarterly
  • Communication Outlook
  • Computational Linguistics
  • Cortex: A Journal Devoted to the Nervous System & Behavior
  • Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology
  • Developmental Neuropsychology
  • Developmental Psychobiology
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Disability & Rehabilitation
  • Disability & Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology
  • Discourse Processes
  • Diseases of the Esophagus
  • Dysphagia
  • Ear & Hearing
  • Early Childhood Education Journal
  • Education & Psychological Measurement
  • Educational Research
  • Electroencephalography & Clinical Neurophysiology
  • Elementary School Journal
  • European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
  • European Journal of Disorders of Communication
  • Exceptional Parent
  • Exceptionality
  • First Language
  • Focus on Autism & Other Developmental Disabilities
  • Hearing Journal
  • Hearing Research
  • Human Genetics
  • IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
  • IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech & Language Processing
  • IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering
  • IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
  • IEEE Transactions on Speech & Audio Processing
  • Infancy
  • Infants & Young Children
  • Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities
  • International Journal of Audiology
  • International Journal of Behavioral Development
  • International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders
  • International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
  • International Journal of Rehabilitation Research
  • International Journal of Speech Technology
  • International Journal of Therapy & Rehabilitation
  • Internet Journal of Allied Health & Sciences & Practice
  • Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
  • Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders
  • Journal of Child Language
  • Journal of Cognition & Development
  • Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Journal of Communication Disorders
  • Journal of Deaf Studies & Deaf Education
  • Journal of Developmental & Physical Disabilities
  • Journal of Fluency Disorders, 1995-     
  • Journal of Genetic Counseling, 2000-     
  • Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
  • Journal of Human Genetics
  • Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability
  • Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
  • Journal of Language & Social Psychology
  • Journal of Language, Identity & Education
  • Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology
  • Journal of Memory & Language
  • Journal of Multilingual Communication Disorders,
  • Journal of Nonverbal Behavior
  • Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine
  • Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
  • Journal of Phonetics
  • Journal of Pragmatics
  • Journal of Psycholinguistic Research
  • Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development
  • Journal of Sociolinguistics
  • Journal of Sound & Vibration
  • Journal of Speech & Hearing Research
  • Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing Research
  • Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
  • Journal of Vestibular Research
  • Journal of Voice
  • Language Acquisition
  • Language & Cognitive Processes
  • Language & Speech
  • Language Learning
  • Language, Speech & Hearing Services in Schools
  • Language Testing
  • Laryngoscope
  • Learning Disabilities Research & Practice
  • Learning Disability Quarterly
  • Memory
  • Mind & Language
  • Natural Language & Linguistic Theory
  • Neurology
  • New England Journal of Medicine
  • Otolaryngology: Head & Neck Surgery
  • Oral Diseases
  • Oral Oncology, Supplement
  • Orthodontics & Craniofacial Research
  • Perception & Psychophysics
  • Reading & Writing
  • Research on Aging
  • Research on Language & Computation
  • Review of Educational Research
  • Scandinavian Audiology (now International Journal of Audiology)
  • Seminars in Speech & Language
  • Sign Language Studies
  • Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation
  • Topics in Language Disorders
  • Trends in Amplification
  • Volta Review
  • Volta Voices
  • Yearbook of Speech, Language, & Hearing