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directory of journals, magazines, newspapers, & other periodicals worldwide. Indicates available formats, intended audience, special features (e.g. reviews, whether a journal is refereed) & indexing/abstracting services coverage.
formerly "Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory"
Key Journals for Social Science Education
American Behavioral Scientist
American Economic Review
American Educational Research Association Journals (AERA)
American Historical Review
American Journal of Economics and Sociology
American Journal of Sociology
American Sociological Review
Anthropology and Education Quarterly
British Educational Research Journal
Canadian Social Studies
Career Development Quarterly
CITE: Contemporary Issues in Technology Education and Teacher Education
The Clearing House
College and University Faculty Assembly Publications (NCSS)
Curriculum Inquiry (USA, Canada)
Elementary School Journal
Geographical Review
Geography Teacher
High School Journal
History Education Research Journal
History Teacher
Journal of Character Education
Journal of Culture and Values in Education
Journal of Curriculum and Supervision (Archived issues only)
Journal of Curriculum Studies (UK)
Journal of Economic Education
Journal of Education for Business
Journal of Geography
Journal of Geography in Higher Education
Journal of International Social Studies
Journal of Political Science Education
Journal of Social Studies Education Research
Journal of Social Studies Research
Journal of Social Work Education
Journal of Teaching in Social Work
Learning and Teaching: the International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences
Middle School Journal
National Social Science Journal (open access)
Research in Social Sciences and Technology
Review of Education, Pedagogy, Cultural Studies
Social Education
Social Studies
Social Studies and the Young Learner
Social Studies Professional
Social Studies Research and Practice
Social Studies Teaching and Learning
Sociology of Education
Southern Social Studies Journal now Social Studies Teaching and Learning