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Online Book Sources: Journal Articles

Creating Persistent Links to Online Journal Articles

A possible alternative or supplement to CoursePacks is to assemble a collection of readings from the library's online journal holdings.

Many of the UCF Libraries' online databases provide persistent URLs for individual articles. These can be included as hotlinks in your syllabus to create a customized list of reading assignments.

We strongly recommend that you include the UCF Libraries' EZProxy as the first part of each URL so that students who are off-campus will be directed automatically to the library login screen to gain access to the article.

One additional benefit of using the databases to provide access to assigned readings is that your students will become familiar with specific databases which may be useful when they research topics for course projects.

EBSCOhost Databases

Open the descriptive record for the individual article (NOT the pdf or other full text link). Near the bottom of the description there should be a field for "Persistent link to this record (Permalink):" -- and the link should already include the first part in the URL directing the user to UCF's EZProxy.


ProQuest Databases

Open the descriptive record for the individual article (NOT the pdf or other full text link). Near the bottom of the description there should be a field for "Document URL:" -- and the link should already include the first part in the URL directing the user to UCF's EZProxy.