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Online Book Sources: - linking to content

Putting links to Springer eBooks in your course pages

Starting in the Library Catalog

  1. Search the Libraries Catalog to find the Springer book you want.  Either enter the title or search by topic and add the word "springer".
  2. Once you find the book you want, right click on "Click here for FULL TEXT from SpringerLink", then choose the option to copy the link.

  3. Paste the link into Notepad, email, or elsewhere.  It will look similar to:
  4. Copy and paste the book title, author, and any other information you wish to include in your online course.
  5. Follow CDL procedures for putting links or pages into Webcourses.


Starting in SpringerLink

  1. Search SpringerLink to find the book, chapter, or article you wish to include.
  2. Once you find the item, copy and paste the DOI into Notepad, email, or elsewhere.
    - For book chapters and articles, the DOI shows in the initial results list.
    - For entire books, click on the book title to see the DOI.
    - The DOI will look similar to: 10.1007/978-1-4302-7224-3_3
  3. Add the EZproxy stem and the DOI look-up domain in front of the DOI to make a complete URL.
    - EZproxy stem:
    - DOI look-up domain:
    - Complete URL:
  4. Copy and paste the book title, author, and any other information you wish to include in your online course.
  5. Follow CDL procedures for putting links or pages into Webcourses.