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McNair Scholars: Discussion of Harper's Findings

2. When and where was the research originally reported?

You are free to search using whatever resources you choose. Try to retrieve the full text of an article in a scientific journal reporting the research findings prior to the excerpt reported in the issue of Harper's Magazine.

Answer the following:

1. Which issue of Harper's Magazine were you assigned?

2. Which research finding did you select to research?

3. If you found an article in a scientific journal reporting the research findings, provide the citation:

4. List each of the resources you searched (even if nothing was found) and briefly describe how you went about the search, including the terms you used in your search.

Did you find an article in a scientific journal reporting the research findings?

Did you find an article in a scientific journal reporting the research findings?
Yes: 17 votes (89.47%)
Found an online copy of the same Harper's findings, but not another article: 1 votes (5.26%)
Found a brief news postings about the research, but not a scientific journal article: 0 votes (0%)
Didn't find anything: 1 votes (5.26%)
Total Votes: 19

Where did you search first?

Where did you search first?
the specific issue of Harper's Magazine in the EBSCOhost database to see if it provided details: 1 votes (5.26%)
looked for Harper's Magazine website: 0 votes (0%)
Google or Google Scholar: 10 votes (52.63%)
Wikipedia: 0 votes (0%)
other online search engine: 0 votes (0%)
library databases: 6 votes (31.58%)
other resource: 2 votes (10.53%)
Total Votes: 19