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ENC 4353 - Writing for Social Change

Bibliographies & Finding Aids

Florida County Histories Bibliography (State Library of Florida) -- The State Library of Florida provides a partial list "to locate the most usable histories of each county." If the individual titles are not available in the UCF Library Catalog, the researcher may need to borrow the books through Interlibrary Loan.

Index to the East Florida Papers (University of Florida) -- "The East Florida Papers (178 microfilm reels) contain the complete local government archive of Spanish East Florida (1784 to 1821). The Calendar or Index to the East Florida Papers is a 60-drawer, 50,000 entry card file describing the contents of the Papers on a document by document basis." The University of Florida has digitized the index. The UCF Library does NOT have the microfilm providing the full text of the papers.

Florida Biographies

Great Floridians 2000 Program (Division of Historical Resources) provides very brief biographical descriptions of "individuals who distinguished themselves through their philanthropy, public service or personal or professional service, and who have enhanced the lives of Florida's citizens."

Florida Biography & Citation Index (State Library) "contains references to biographical information on the state's notable people and related subjects in the books, periodicals, vertical files, newspapers, and maps of the Florida Collection [in the State Library, Tallahassee]. Some of the resources indexed are rare, but many are from current periodicals that might be found in the UCF Libraries or other local libraries."
The records in this index are a subset of the State Library of Florida's library catalog and are searched through the main catalog at To search for just the Florida Biography/Citation Index citations:

  • click on the "Power Search" option (under the search box)
  • on the search form, choose Florida Biography & Citation Index from the "Location" dropdown box
  • on the results of your search, you will see a list of the records with a call number in the format FLCITE(374332.1)
  • click on the "Details" button to see the detailed record
  • on the detailed record, click on the "Catalog Record" tab to see the list of citations for that record

Historical Sites in Florida

Florida Maps

Florida Map Collection -- "an ongoing cooperative project of the State of Florida's public universities to digitize and provide online access to maps of contemporary and historic Florida, dating from 1564 through the present. The majority of maps in this collection document historic Florida (1564-1926), illustrating territories of the Spanish, French, English, and United States in Florida, as well as, coastal Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Georgia and other southeastern states."

Florida Photographs

Publication of Archival, Library & Museum Materials (PALMM) -- "a cooperative initiative of the public universities of Florida to provide digital access to important source materials for research and scholarship."

Florida Museums and Archives

Find Florida Museums (Florida Association of Museums) -- "database of over 400 Florida museums includes in-depth information on their collections, exhibits, programs, etc."
Search by keyword, city, ZIP, region, or museum type:

  • Anthropology
  • Aquarium
  • Arboretum
  • Archaeology
  • Art
  • Botanical Garden
  • Cemetery
  • Children's
  • Church
  • Culture
  • General
  • History
  • Historic House
  • Historical Society
  • Library
  • Military
  • Natural History
  • Nature Center
  • Park
  • Planetarium
  • Science
  • Specialized
  • University
  • Zoo

Florida Archives & Manuscripts Repositories

Historical & Genealogical Holdings in the State of Florida -- arranged by city, briefly describes subjects of interest for holdings at libraries, museums, historical & genealogical societies, etc.

  • Reference F 311 .H57 1992

Historical Museum Guide for Florida (CensusFinder) -- "A directory of Historical Museums in Florida, categorized by county."