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Graduate Student Library Guide - Engineering & Computer Science


Support and Services from EndNote

For online option use EndNote Web instead.

EndNote is reference management software with features to—

  • Keep all your references and reference-related materials in a searchable personal library.
  • Synchronize your references between up to three of your personal computers, an online library, and your iPhone or iPad, through EndNote Sync. (You must be the owner and user of all three computers.)
  • Share your references with collaborators through EndNote Sync.
  • Use your references in word-processing documents to create formatted citations and bibliographies or independent reference lists.


Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that serves as an information system to support research. It can help you discover, access, manage and share references and research data, collaborate with others online, showcase your latest research, find funding, and identify career opportunities.

Link your Mendeley account to your Elsevier account, if you have one already.

Mendeley Libuide