ERIC is available from several database vendors, including ProQuest. UCF students are advised to use ERIC in EBSCOhost, which provides many links to full text and allows users to search multiple education databases simultaneously. Users who are not UCF students are advised to use ERIC from DOE because no login is required.
Research Areas:
- Area & Ethnic Studies
- Art & Architecture
- Creative Writing
- Education
- Film, Theater, & Performing Arts
- History
- Language & Linguistics
- Library Science & Publishing
- Literature
- Medicine & Health
- Music
- Philosophy
- Religion
- Science, Technology, & Mathematics
- Social Sciences
- Studies by Time Period
- Women's Studies, Gender, & Sexuality
Citation Indexes for finding articles that cite a given author or citation.
- Science Citation Index Expanded (1965+)
- Social Sciences Citation Index (1965+)
- Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1975+)
Citation Connection is now available. This includes:
- Data Citation Index (1900+)
- Derwent Innovations Index – Patents Database (1963+)
- Book Citation Index: Scholarly Books (2005+)
- Conference Proceedings Citation Index (1990+)
- Index Chemicus (IC) (1989+)
- Current Chemical Reactions (1993+)
- Current Contents Connect (1998+)
People included are from throughout history, around the world, and across all disciplines and subject areas. Search by name, birth and death years and places, nationality, ethnicity, occupation or gender.
- List of Sources included, such as the Dictionary of American Biography is available on the Gale Support - Title Lists for the database "Gale in Context: Biography"
Biography Reference Bank (Wilson) (subscription cancelled)
offers new ways to explore the endless possibilities and combinations of books, authors, genres and topics. Combining over 140,000 titles, 50,000 authors, and thousands of read-alike, award winner and librarian's favorites lists, Books & Authors helps bring readers and literature together.
(Formerly Children's Catalog)This rich resource covers fiction and nonfiction works, story collections, picture books and magazines recommended for readers in preschool through sixth grade. Professional literature for the children's librarian—both periodicals and books—is also covered. Selected and recommended by collection development specialists, books within Children’s Core Collection encompass a wide variety of topics, including social sciences, science, math and reading.
This Collection is a selective list of fiction and non-fiction books recommended for children and young adolescents (grades 5 through 9), along with review sources and other professional aids for librarians and school media specialists. Selected and recommended by collection development specialists in library service to young people, listed books encompass a wide variety of topics for youth.
Gale Literature Resource Center is Gale’s most current, comprehensive, and reliable online literature resource, offering the broadest and most representative range of authors and their works, including a deep collection of full-text critical and literary analysis for literary studies. The resource provides researchers with unbounding literary resources to support their literary responses, literary analysis, and thesis statements through a diversity of scholars and critics that ensure all views and interpretations are represented.
Researchers can find up-to-date analysis, biographical information, overviews, full-text literary criticism, and reviews on more than 130,000 writers in all disciplines, from all time periods, and from around the world
"The collection contains abstracts of over 5700 picture books for children, preschool to grade three. Search over 900 keywords (topics, concepts, and skills) to locate books with storylines adaptable to your curriculum or program."
Reflecting nearly eight decades of H.W. Wilson’s Book Review Digest, this Retrospective database provides excerpts from and citations to reviews of adult and juvenile fiction and non-fiction. Virtually every major idea that shaped the 20th century found expression in books. The reactions to those ideas are reflected in the reviews of those books, and this database makes it easy to search this vast record of information.
Book Review Digest (Wilson) (1905-2011)
[online access cancelled due to budget cuts]
paper copies available: UCF ARC MAIN General Collection -- Z 1219 .C95 & UCF Main Library General Collection - 4th Floor -- Z1219.C95
Book reviews from nearly 100 American and Canadian periodicals in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences, as well as library review media.
Book Review Index* (BRI) (Gale) (1965+)
Call Number: Reference Z 1035 .A1 B6 (1965+)
"Book Review Index (BRI) is a master key providing access to reviews of thousands of books, audiobooks, and e-books. Representing a wide range of popular, academic, and professional interests, BRI guides readers and researchers to reviews appearing in over 400 publications from the United States, Canada, Europe, and Australia. BRI's definition of 'review' is broad, citing reviews that provide a critical comment, a description of the books contents, or a recommendation regarding the type of library collection for which a book is suited."
"DIVerse Families is a comprehensive bibliography that demonstrates the growing diversity of families in the United States. This type of bibliography provides teachers, librarians, counselors, adoption agencies, children/young adults, and especially parents and grandparents needing to empower their children with materials that reflect their families."
Browse DIVerse Families by Subject:
- Family Relationships (Adoption, Foster Care, Divorce, Family Member Death, Family Violence, Homelessness, Incarceration, Language Barrier, Legal Guardianship, Military Families, Parental Rights Termination, Separation, Single Parent, Step-parent, Surrogacy)
- Culture/Ethnicity (Bicultural, Multicultural, Transcultural, Biethnic, Multiethnic)
- Racial Diversity (Biracial, Multiracial, Interracial, Transracial)
- LGBTQ (Homosexuality, Bisexuality, Transgender Families, Gender Nonconformity)