Call Number: UCF ONLINE General Collection -- RJ506 2020
"This leading course text and practitioner reference has been extensively revised with 90% new content, covering a broader range of child and adolescent problems in more concise chapters. Prominent authorities provide a comprehensive framework for evidence-based assessment. Presented are methods and tools for developing effective diagnoses and case formulations, building strong treatment plans, monitoring progress, and documenting outcomes. Chapters are packed with practical guidance, handy tables, and sample instruments. Illustrative case material is included."
Call Number: UCF ONLINE General Collection -- LB1027.55 2020
For clinical practitioners, school psychologists, and education researchers, state-of-the-art research is harnessed to provide practical recommendations for those working with school-age children. This book shows you the reasoning behind best practice behaviors in school environments and why engaging correctly with students is integral to success.
Current Trends and Legal Issues in Special Education (eBook on order 11/21)
Call Number: UCF ONLINE General Collection -- 2019
"School leaders and special educators are expected to be experts on all levels and types of special education law and services, types of disability, and aspects of academic and functional programming. With the increasing demands of the job and the ever-changing legal and educational climate, few feel adequately prepared to meet the demands. Trends and Legal Issues in Special Education helps you build and support timely, legally sound, and effective special education services and programs. Readers will find: the most up-to-date information on how to effectively implement special education programs, processes, and procedures examination of a wide variety of issues, from developing and implementing individual education programs (IEPs) that confer a free appropriate public education, Section 504, least restrictive environment (LRE), and successfully collaborating with parents, to issues regarding accountability, staffing, bullying, early childhood special education, multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS), evidence-based practices, transition, discipline, and the school-to-prison pipeline."
Call Number: UCF ARC General Collection -- LC4031.H358 2020
check availability of print version
"Now in a thoroughly revised and updated second edition, this handbook provides a comprehensive resource for those who facilitate the complex transitions to adulthood for adolescents with disabilities. Building on the previous edition, the text includes recent advances in the field of adolescent transition education, with a focus on innovation in assessment, intervention, and supports for the effective transition from school to adult life. The second edition reflects the changing nature of the demands of transition education and adopts a "life design" approach."
Call Number: UCF General Collection -- LB1051 .H23546 2020
ch4ck availability of print version
Provides educational and psychological stakeholders with critical domain-specific expertise on the factors and processes relevant to learning for students with special needs. This includes students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, other executive function difficulties, behavior and emotional disorders, autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, dyslexia, language and communication difficulties, physical and sensory disabilities, and more.
Call Number: UCF ONLINE General Collection -- LC3969.45.H35 2018
"The Handbook of Leadership and Administration for Special Education brings together research informing practice in leading special education from preschool through transition into postsecondary settings. The second edition of this comprehensive handbook has been fully updated to provide coverage of disability policy, historical roots, policy and legal perspectives, as well as effective, collaborative, and instructional leadership practices that support the administration of special education."
Handbook of Learning Disabilities
Call Number: UCF ARC General Collection -- LC4704 .H364 2013
check availability
"This handbook reviews the major theoretical, methodological, and instructional advances that have occurred in the field of learning disabilities. With contributions from leading researchers, the volume synthesizes a vast body of knowledge on the nature of learning disabilities, their relationship to basic psychological and brain processes, and how students with these difficulties can best be identified and treated. Findings are reviewed on ways to support student performance in specific skill areas, including language arts, math, science, and social studies, as well as general principles of effective instruction that cut across academic domains."
Handbook of Research-Based Practices for Educating Students with Intellectual Disability
Call Number: UCF ARC General Collection -- LC4601.H36 2017
check availability
"This comprehensive volume emphasizes education across life stages, from early intervention in schools through the transition to adulthood, and highlights major educational and support needs of children and youth with intellectual disability. The implications of history, recent research, and existing information are positioned to systematically advance new practices and explore promising possibilities in the field."
Call Number: UCF ONLINE General Collection -- LC4065 2020
"The Handbook of Research on Leadership Experience for Academic Direction (LEAD) Programs for Student Success is a critical scholarly book that explores the many facets of the teaching profession as they relate to working with at-risk youth and helping them reach their full potential. This book provides the groundwork for programs that will succeed at the K-12 education level and at the teacher education level. Featuring a range of topics such as human capital, mental health, and social learning theory, this book is essential for academicians, teaching professionals, administrators, professional development educators, policymakers, researchers, and students."
Handbook of Special Education
Call Number: UCF ARC General Collection -- LC3965.H26 2017
ch4ck availability
"The purpose of the Handbook of Special Education is to help profile and bring greater clarity to the already sprawling and continuously expanding field of special education...The second edition has been fully updated throughout to take into account recent changes to federal laws as well as the most current academic research, and an entirely new section has been added on research methods"
Call Number: UCF ONLINE General Collection -- LC4717.S244 2019
"Education is an important aspect of the environmental influences on autism and effective education can have a significant effect on outcome for those on the autism spectrum. This Handbook explores the key concepts, debates and research areas in this dynamic field. Contributions from a wide range of countries and cultures are organised into six key sections: Part 1: Learning Needs and Educational Responses; Part 2: Early Intervention, Education in Core Domains and Family Support; Part 3: School-Based and Academic Education: Access and Support; Part 4: Collaborative Working in Education; Part 5: Education for Life and Barriers to Education; Part 6: Data Collection in Education and Measurement of Progress."
Student Mental Health
Call Number: UCF Main Library General Collection -- LB3430 .D53 2020
ch4ck availability
"From ADHD to schizophrenia and everything in between, what you need to know about how kids' mental health impacts them in school. Chances are that every classroom in America will have at least one student who has a mental health disorder, possibly even in the severe range. These students often have symptoms that interfere with their ability to learn. By understanding child and adolescent mental health issues, you will have additional tools to provide the most successful educational and home environments"
Treatment of Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence, Fourth Edition
Call Number: UCF ARC General Collection -- RJ506.B44 T73 2019
check availability
"Now completely revised (over 90% new), this definitive practitioner reference and course text comprehensively reviews evidence-based treatments for psychological disorders in children and adolescents. The significantly expanded fourth edition covers an increased number of disorders, as well as transdiagnostic issues and public health concerns. Psychosocial, pharmacological, and complementary therapies are identified and described in well-organized chapters that include rich clinical illustrations. Prominent experts address developmental considerations in treatment and offer guidance for tailoring interventions to each child and family's needs."
Call Number: UCF ONLINE General Collection -- LC4019 20179
"The Wiley Handbook of Diversity in Special Education is a state-of-the-art reference showcasing cutting-edge special education research with a focus on children and youth with disabilities from diverse cultural, ethnic, linguistic, and economic backgrounds."
Cambridge Core provides access to journals and eBooks on a broad range of subjects. The Cambridge University Press currently publishes over 250 peer-reviewed academic journals for the global market.
A collection of ebooks in full text, including both current and classic works.
For many of the eBooks in this collection only one person can view the book at a time
Browse by category:
- Children's & Young Adult Fiction
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"HathiTrust is a partnership of academic & research institutions, offering a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world."
eJournals, eBooks, and video lectures primarily in business & management; computer science and information technology; and education.
InfoSci-Books, Journals, and Video Core Subject Coverage Includes:
-Business and Management
-Computer Science and Information Technology
-Environmental, Agricultural, and Physical Sciences
-Government and Law
-Library and Information Science
-Media and Communications
-Medical, Healthcare, and Life Sciences
-Science and Engineering
-Security and Forensics
-Social Sciences and Humanities
Full text of research journals and eBooks from numerous publishers. For most of the journal content, we can access all but the 3 to 5 most recent years of the journal.
Access to the full text of over 4,000 Oxford monographs in Biology, Business & Management, Classical Studies, Economics & Finance, History, Law, Linguistics, Literature, Mathematics, Music, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Public Health & Epidemiology, Religion, and Social Work
a unique collaboration between libraries and publishers providing 100% full-text, affordable and user-friendly online access to over 300+ high quality humanities and social sciences journals from over 60 scholarly publishers.
Research Areas:
- Area & Ethnic Studies
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- Women's Studies, Gender, & Sexuality
Full text eBooks, including selections by UCF faculty, students, and staff.
CAUTION: Although some books provide for unlimited simultaneous users, some have restrictions which make them unsuitable for assigning as course readings
- Agriculture
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- Publishing
- Religion
- Science (Anatomy/Physiology, Astronomy, Biology/Natural History, Botany, Chemistry, General, Geology, Physics, Zoology)
- Social Science
- Sport & Recreation
- Tourism/Hospitality
Sage Knowledge is a cross-media platform, home to an expansive range of Sage book, business case, reference ad video titles within the social sciences. In addition, links to related to sage journals and sage research methods content. 3,500 titles SAGE eBook including scholarly and reference works, handbooks, series, professional development titles, and more.
Taylor & Francis eBooks is a single destination platform with eBooks in science, technology, engineering, medical, humanities and social science. It includes a librarian dashboard, which provides quick access to MARC and KBART reports, usage data, entitlements and much more. Researchers have a single point of discovery for eBook content, multiple search options, and more.
Subject coverage includes:
Asian Studies
Biomedical Sciences
Business & Management
Classical Studies
Creative & Media Arts
English Language & Linguistics
Environment and Sustainability
Health Studies
Language Learning
Media & Communication
Middle East
Public Administration
Social Work
Theatre and Performance
-Now linking to Wiley Online Homepage. For Publications, click link for Journals, Reference Works, or Online Books below search box
-Full text of Wiley's scholarly journals and many eBooks covering a variety of disciplines.
-See also Wiley-IEEE eBooks
Disciplines include:
- Agriculture, Aquaculture & Food Science
- Architecture & Planning
- Art & Applied Arts
- Business, Economics, Finance & Accounting
- Chemistry
- Computer Science & Information Technology
- Earth, Space & Environmental Sciences
- Humanities
- Law & Criminology
- Life Sciences
- Mathematics & Statistics
- Medicine
- Nursing, Dentistry & Healthcare
- Physical Sciences & Engineering
- Psychology
- Social & Behavioral Sciences
- Veterinary Medicine
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Catalog of library collections from the U.S. and around the world. The world's most comprehensive bibliography, with millions of records for books, periodicals, and other materials in 370 languages and covering information from 4,000 years of knowledge. Includes RLIN catalogs and the Union List of Periodicals.